Chapter 34

Alessia's pov

I had just finished my shower when there was a knock on my door. I quickly wrapped my towel around me, walked to the door, and opened it finding Johnny on the other side.

"Hey," I smiled at him. He didn't smile or acknowledge me, instead, he pushed past me walking into my room. I frowned confused but brushed it off. He placed down a few boxes and I guess for the ball that's happening tonight.

"Here is your dress for the ball tonight," He said looking anywhere but at me.

"Thank you but you didn't have to."

"It's not a big deal Alessia," He said rudely.

I hummed, "Is everything alright?"

He turned towards me and the look in his eyes scared me, it wasn't the same look he had last night.

"What's wrong?" I asked stepping back afraid of this man in front of me.

"You and I will never get close."

My eyes widened, "Look I..."