Chapter 36

Warning! This chapter contains violent scenes! Read at your own risk.

Alessia's pov


He was dressed in a denim and black shirt With his hair combed back. He looked at me with disgust.

Samuele, Stefano, Ciro, Luca, and the girls stood by his side with the same look on their faces. I called out to them but they didn't answer they just kept staring at me with hate. I looked behind them and see Elma, Clarissa, and grandpa looking at me the same way.

"Johnny!" He didn't look at me instead they started walking away from me.

"Johnny please!" I sobbed.

He turned around and look at me, "I told you there will never be an us, just look at yourself so fucking disgusting. Do you think anyone will ever love you? You deserve to be abused."

He looks over my shoulder, "Make it painful."

I turn around and my eyes widen when I saw my father smirking, "You thought that they will help you? No one will love you Alessia. Take her to the basement."