Children were laughing around me. I could feel their little fingers running through my beards and hair as I stirred up from sleep. I tried lifting my head up and I let it down in a thud. "Ouch that hurt! " I said to myself quickly reaching out for my head. My head was heavier than the world, it was spinning and the noise from the children around caused me to have a terrible headache.

I tried opening my eyes, the strong sunlight penetrating through the curtains made me shut them off tightly as rays hit them. "Damn where is my eye patch?" Mylar..... Mylar....." I growled . I needed help getting up, but all I got back was children laughing at me, their hands palming me.

I breathed out in an attempt to open my eyes again. This time round I managed to re-open them slowly, smiling when I finally accomplished that simple task. I was not in my room. I was in a 'pink' room. You know the classic Barbie doll house. This was it's replica; walls were all painted pink, pink curtains were draping down, I gazed around, all I could see was pink from the closet doors to the dressing mirrors, table and everything else. I felt like screaming! Was I in a barbie doll house? Who was this so pink-obsessed?

I shot up from the bed and sat upright, instantly regretting because of the excruciating pain that tore in my head. I wanted to lie down on the comfortable bed again but considering I couldn't tell where I was, I quickly stepped down from the bed.

The room suddenly went silent.

" He is so huge." "He is a giant." "No he is just tall." The murmurings of the children in the room almost made me laugh.

"Excuse me children, do you know where I am? " I leaned forward and asked a toddler who was staring at me like I was up for a show in a museum. He took to his heels screaming followed by all the children in that big pink room . What changed? I sighed straightening myself up trying to get familiar with my environment. Nothing absolutely seemed familiar.

I stood rooted at that spot stranded and confused. Not knowing who or what to call. I didn't know if I was in a human or animal kingdom. I wasn't perceiving any scents except smells of bleaches, detergents and baby powder. I tried opening my mind link but was unsuccessful. Tried reaching out for Jake but he was still sleeping. "Huff puppy, puppy!" I called out my wolf in it's pet name. It almost knocked me down again as it stirred up from it's slumber .

"Arise and shine puppy for your light is here and we don't know where we are."

I spoke to my wolf and it growled. "Hungry, hungry."

Damn! this was bad, I was in an unknown place in a pink house obviously belonging to a lady and my wolf was hungry, if it didn't get anything to eat, he would go untamed and hunt.

"Can we start by knowing where we are first before we get something to eat." I told my wolf and it whimpered in my mind. "Hungry, hungry." There was no bad combination of a vae-wolf with a wolf who was behaving like a toddler. I spun around taking in my environment one more time. A cool breeze hitting my chest reminded me that I had no shirt on, I needed something to cover up before finding my way out.

I went through a door that was standing right in front of me, it led to a pink closet, everything was pink from the clothes, bags and purses to all types of shoes. Standing on the island was a photo in a pink frame. 'Barbie doll' was indeed a pretty, fine lady. I thought to myself going through the clothes in the shelves.

I took a t-shirt from a heap of clothes, tugged it on my body causing me to laugh at the image in the mirror. The t-shirt didn't go down even to my tummy. I was looking like a big man putting on a crop top with briefs on. I tried removing the t-shirt but it couldn't bulge apparently it had stuck on my skin as if it had been woven on it.

Someone giggled from behind me, I saw her walk up to me through the mirror with delicate footsteps, she was beautiful, elegant, gracious. She was more of a princess than any other princess I had ever seen even in movies.

" It's bad manners to stare at some one like that Mr Man. You are only allowed to steal a glance like a gentleman that I thought you were." Spoke the light skinned lady, her voice so still, so soft, so silky; you could drown in it. How could I steal a glance at such a fairmount?

"NOT MATE...NOT MATE." My wolf was so quick to remind me as the lady adorned in pink walked to where I was standing.

"Do you have a name?" She asked picking a pair of scissors from the counter, when she lifted them up, I moved back a few steps being unsure of her intentions to protect her from Jake just in case he would think we were under attack which could potentially make him go savage.

"I asked do you have a name?" She repeated herself making steps towards me. I backtracked again, she scoffed.

"Oya! Big man RELAX! I don't want to hurt you, I only want to help you out of that situation." She said pointing at the pink t-shirt. I relaxed and watched as she cut through the t-shirt freeing me from a very 'tight situation.'

"My name is Sky, you are in my pack you saved us from human hunters a few days ago...." She started.

"Hold on, hold on, HOLD ON, let's take that again slowly shall we? what did you just say?" I asked. I had not gotten something right. "Few days ago?"

"I said my name is Sky, you are in my pack, you saved us, as in me and you from hunters a few days ago, but you were hit by a tranquilizer that knocked you out for three days flat." Sky told me and at that moment my world came crumbling down. I remembered the hunters alright, the chase, I remembered calling Joe for help but how did I get to who knows where I was then?

"And you are?" Sky asked me.

"Hunter." I spat my name out. If I wasn't in a peculiar place, I would have laughed because I loved seeing how my name made the faces of wolves go pale completely drained of blood whenever I mentioned my name. I percieved that she knew I was a wolf or a vae-wolf depending on how smart she was but in this world anybody could go against anyone at anytime. In the animal kingdom, it was known as survival was for the fittest.

"What?" She asked me and I remembered that my mate had the same reaction when I first told her my name.

"I have to get out of here, I need to go home." I told Sky as I walked past her. I needed to see my mate, I needed to know she was alright. I opened my mind link, but there was no connection! what was happening to me?

I heard faint steps walking up behind my back trying to catch-up with me as I bursted open the doors before me.

"What is so urgent?" Sky asked from behind me. "I need to be at home, my friends and family must be worried sick about me, I also don't know what you have given me that is stopping me from mind-linking my pack." I said taking longer strides, flinging doors wide open.

It was as if I was in a maze, I wasn't in a pack house of any kind, this was more of a castle with twists and turns. Doors opening into more doors, rooms opening to more rooms, servants everywhere no one speaking to another save for occasional bowing, I guessed by the look of things she was either a princess or a daughter of an Alpha either way it was none of my business, I had to go home, back to my pack and mate .

I flung a door open leading me into a recreational room. I was at the verge of shifting as my adrenaline rushed through me, rage surging through my veins, my eyesight was already changing and I was seeing everything in laser red. My claws slipped through my finger tips. Jake strongly coming forward, my bones started snapping, cracking and a

brutal growl escaped me. In a minute I was in my lycan state, standing feets tall looking down at the lady in pink who was too petrified to do anything .

"Show me the way out now." I growled trying everything in me to hold Jake down from going savage. He was tired of the twists and turns, his main agenda was food and then his mate. Or mate then food whichever came first.

The beast burned down at Sky with his ferocity. One glance at him, she pointed at a door. I let Jake take the lead as Sky jumped out of the way before we crashed her on our way out. The sun felt harsh on my fur mainly because I was not out in the sun for three days. I could see children running Helter skelter in the compound once their eyes came in contact with me, I knew as a Lycan wolf I was towering above all else.

"You are scarring little children away, we don't do that do we." I told my wolf who was going rampage taking into his fours .

"Hungry.... Mate..." Jake said completely unable to form a sentence that was his target, that was what was driving him, woe to any one or anything that would stand on it's way.

We ran through the woods. Worse still, I couldn't tell where we were. I picked up a scent of a hare, in an instant we were running towards it, not an ideal menu for breakfast or lunch or whatever time it was but it was definitely a good start. I lept on the hare and with one snap it was lifeless. I tore though the skin eating everything in it . I threw down its skin when I was done before jumping in a stream that was ahead of me for a nice warm clean up.

Jake wasn't sastified yet, it would be a couple of minutes running before he needed something else to eat maybe bigger and better. We had been starved for almost three days not ideal for an animal. The water kissed my skin as we washed up from the blood and filth. My mind link opened making me to sit in the middle of the stream. "Hunter...." What was that Ania?

She was my mate, the mate bond must have been acting up against her now that I was gone for long. "My Luna!" I couldn't stop that from escaping my mouth. The mind link closed. Every other attempt to open it again failed. I needed to eat, I needed to fuel my systems before I died like a human in the middle of nowhere. Then I needed to go home to my Luna .


Hunter was tied in a rope, he was suspended in the air with everyone jeering while others mocked him .

" Save yourself, Save yourself." The crowd went in an uproar .

"Help me my Luna! " In a cracking voice Hunter cried out to me as he looked at me for help. As I tried to think of ways to cut him down, someone threw a spear to him that cut right through his rib hinging him on a tree. I screamed out loudly waking myself up from the crazy nightmare.

I was panting with sweats dripping from my head like someone who had poured water on herself. I sat up on the bed to catch a breath turning off the alarm that went off. My heart was not at peace. It was three days and nights after Hunter left the party and had not returned back.

No one knew his whereabouts, his mind link was not working. The police had found his phone and cards in the woods plus his torn clothes but there was no leads to where he had disappeared to. I was worried sick about him. The more I thought about him the more I got nightmares about him. All ending in one way, death. Joe said at the night of his disappearence he had mind linked him but after searching through the woods for hours they didn't get him leaving the police to do their work. Was Hunter still alive?

I wanted to go so badly with him that night, I wish he had taken me with him, that way I wouldn't have to worry like this. Why was I even concerned about my games coach like he was my lover? I breathed out blasting my mind with music going about my chores.

I walked to my classes later on. For the past three days everything and everyone was mood-less, we went about our business as usual but deep down almost all of us the question that lingered was where was Hunter, was he missing or had he just chosen to disappear. At around one in the afternoon the intercom system went on, we were all needed at the assembly hall. My intestines curled inside of me. This wasn't good news.

"Good afternoon students." Principal Mylar stated before continuing to say.

"As you are all aware, our games coach went missing in the woods three days ago, we have reasons to believe that he might never come back again after all attempts to track and bring him back turned futile. Therefore with evidences showing that he might have been attacked by wild animals, we have decided to hold a three days mourning ceremony as we put our minds together on our next course of action" I didn't get to hear what she said next. I sprung to my feet and headed to the wash room, tears stinging my eyes. He had to be alright.

I wept remembering how he had tried mind linking me that night and I shoved him aside. How I wished I had listened to what he wanted to say. "Try reaching out" Something or someone hissed in my mind. I opened the mind link to Hunter and after a few attempts it connected.

"Hunter." I called out. " My Luna." He said and the link disconnected again. I was thrilled that he was alive but where was he, why did he sound so broken. I hurriedly run from the washroom to the principal's office. I was elated Hunter was alive. I walked to her door and froze there when I heard her say from inside.

"Ania is his mate sister, I knew from day one when she came. She is Hunters fated mate, but you know he can have his chosen mate. You can make him reject or forget his fated mate and make him yours" There was silence. Mylar might have been talking over the phone. I listened some more.

"Do what you can to keep him with you, we need his alpha genes combined with his vae-wolf to give our father the greatest lineage he could ever have. We will soon take over. I will keep Ania out of the way. ....Wait there is someone here." She said. I knew she must have heard my heart beating I heard it too, I was scared.

There was no way to run without her noticing me, so I faced the situation head-on by knocking on her office door a second before she opened it with a big smile plastered on her face. "ANIA." She called out clearly surprised. I knew I was the last person she expected to see.