Chapter 3

*Anusha Pov*

“I don’t want to eat that for sure.” I said, staring at the brownie my friend got for herself.

“Then go and get what you want.” She said enjoying her favorite making me sigh.

“I am lazy. Can’t you understand that? You should have brought something for me too.” Mumbling, I stood up and started walking towards the counter.

Taking the ice cream I turned around to walk towards my table, but something or shall I say someone caught my eyes. I stood at my place for a few seconds thinking what to do.

But finally walked towards him when he is just nodding at his friend and I greeted him saying, “Hey!”

He turned around frowning, but then realized who is it and I waited for him to greet back or say something or at least give a smile but he turned back to talk to his friend.

And at that moment it felt so bad to be ignored like that. I wanted to lash out or cry in humiliation when a few people saw the exchange.

However, I composed myself and said, “Sorry for the disturbance, Mr. Satvik Kolgha.” And not waiting for his reply, I walked off towards my table not giving away any expression.

“That was…” Jyothi started, but I glared at her and she immediately stopped.

“I am stupid!” I whispered, sitting at my place.

“I know!” she said, nodding, but laughed, making me frown at her.

“Come on, Anusha! I know you were college beauty, and still is but that doesn’t mean everyone will be behind you.” She added making me stare at her in shock.

“What? When did I say that I need someone to fall behind me? I knew him and just greeted him, but he ignored me.” I pointed out to which she shrugged.

“What is with you today? You called me here saying it’s been long since we meet which was during college last day and now you are talking all this.” I asked feeling bad that she thinks like this.

“Well, I was just telling the truth. I mean, weren’t all guys behind you? And now you are even working because of your father.” She just continued to talk rubbish and I immediately stood up.

“When you actually want to be a friend and need a friend just give me a call.” Saying that I turned around and walked off ignoring everyone around me feeling disappointed at her behavior.

I sat in my room changing the channels wishing I can just throw this remote at the television but just settled with fuming.

“I am not hungry!” I even gave the statement to the help when she asked me to come for dinner.

“I should be angry at you for getting me booked near them today during dinner. But seems like you are already angry at someone.” I heard Bhai’s words but I ignored him.

“As a punishment I brought all my favorites, but seems like I need to throw these away.” He added and I glanced at him to see him holding a tray filled with not his favorites but mine.

“They are my favorites.” I pointed out.

“And they are going to be thrown away.” He said and turned to leave while I frowned looking at the food.

“No! They are your favorites and I will take that punishment of eating all of them.” I said and he immediately walked inside before placing the tray before me.

He sat with me while I finished everything in silence and smiled at the end looking at him. I am quite sure he got them from outside with these being unhealthy in my Mom’s eyes.

“Thank you, Bhai! You are my best friend and I don’t need anyone.” I said pulling his cheeks.

“Oh Please! That is my dialogue which I lived my whole life, but you just use it and push it away whenever you will find a new friend.” He said scoffing and pushed my hands away.

“But people are so bad.” I whispered with a sad face.

“Now, what happened?” he asked, frowning and I told him what Jyothi said skipping Satvik’s part.

“You stay away from her. I can hear the jealousy in each word she used near you. At present she is bitter I think.” He advised and I sighed nodding.

“Now, go to sleep and stop torturing your remote.” Saying that he stood up and took the tray.

“Okay! You are going somewhere?” I asked, looking at his coat.

“I was but not anymore. Now, go to sleep.” He replied and walked off closing the door behind him while I smiled to myself.

Who cares about such Jyothi’s and Satvik’s when I have my brother? I thought, smiling and drifted off into sleep.

I woke up hearing my alarm and unlocked my phone seeing a message. I frowned when I don’t know the number and opened it.

‘Good morning, Beautiful!’

“What?” I whispered frowning at the message.

‘Who is this?’ I messaged back and waited for five minutes, but didn’t get a reply.

Shrugging off the incident, I got ready and reached the dining area to see everyone already seated. I smiled at Bhai after greeting my parents and took my seat.

“We both are leaving today for our friend’s daughter’s wedding. We will return after a few days. You both can manage the office?” Dad asked, looking at both of us.

“We both can take care of ourselves too.” Bhai replied with a smile, but he was sarcastic with his words to the core.

“You both are not kids anymore.” He pointed out.

“Yeah! And who knows we may welcome guests for your marriage soon, Anusha.” Mom added, making me stare at her in shock.

“She is not getting married right now. She will first make her career strong and then she will marry.” Bhai stated making me look at him in surprise.

Mom and Dad just ignored him and after some time they both left while we both just sat in the living room ready to leave for work.

“Thanks for the support, Bhai.” I said smiling at him.

“Why wouldn’t I? I don’t want another kitty party member in this house.” He said shrugging and I slapped his shoulder standing up.

“Okay, Bhai! I will not marry until I get completely settled. Happy?” I asked, to which he nodded and we both left for the work.

“Over?” Bhai asked, standing near my door.

“No! And it is too early. Why are you in a hurry?” I asked him frowning.

“Too early? The office timings are done. We will not get such a chance of leaving this early again.” He pointed out.

“I have some more work.” I mumbled smiling.

“Okay! I will wait.” He offered, but I shook my head.

“No! You go home. I will take a cab.” I said to which he didn’t agree, but somehow he left after a few minutes of persuasion.

“Are you sure?” he asked at the last minute.

“Bhai! If you stay here, you will not even let me work. At least go home and take rest.” I replied and he finally left while I tried to finish the work.

I booked the cab and climbed downstairs reaching the entrance. When I walked to the gate, I felt a presence and turned to my side to see him standing there.

“What are you doing here?” I asked and then realized I am supposed to not talk to him.

So, I just shook my head and continued to walk waiting for the cab. And he stood beside me in silence until I turned to look at him.

“I was hoping to have a chance of meeting you. I thought you may leave along with your brother, but still thought of trying.” He explained.

“Why? Why are you here, Mr. Satvik Kholga?” I asked frowning at him.

“It’s just Satvik and I am here to apologize. I just… I just thought it is better if we don’t become acquaintance with all the rivalry and behaved like that.” He explained.

“Okay! Now, you can leave.” I said nodding.

“I am apologizing!” he pointed out frowning.

“And I am accepting your apology.” I pointed back and he sighed.

“Will you come for movie this weekend?” he asked rubbing his neck.

“As a payment? Look, there is no need for any such thing. You were right, we shouldn’t be acquainted and let’s keep it like that.” I replied and glanced at my mobile to see how long will it take for the cab.

“I couldn’t sleep yesterday night thinking about my behavior.” He continued.

“I seriously don’t mind what you did. We talked for not even two minutes that day and it’s done.” I said not feeling good with the way he kept on going.

“Just come for the movie and we will get to now each other.” He offered.

“Dude! I am not dying to know you.” I said, feeling frustrated with his offers coming from his guilt.

What does he think I am? Why is he thinking he has to make it up for his behavior? He apologized and it is done, right?

“But I am!” he words stopped my thought process.

“What?” I asked him in a whisper.

“I want to know you.” He replied, staring at me.

“Rivalry?” I asked, to which he smiled.

“We both are not rivals.” He replied, shrugging while I just stared at him, but then a car horn made me shake from my thoughts.

“I don’t think it is a good idea.” I mumbled even though I really want to go and he continued to stare at me with a frown and suddenly smiled.

“Here is my number and message me what is your decision. I will have the tickets ready and so you can reply even one hour before the movie time.” Saying that he passed a card to my hand.

“Bye!” he added and walked off while I stared at his back.

I glanced down and ahead to see the cab waiting. I immediately got in and sat back thinking about his offer. What to do now? I thought, tucking the card into my purse.

I found Bhai waiting for me and we both had our dinner with him talking about some article he read and then I left for my room still confused remembering his words.

Urgh! I don’t know whether I will go for this movie or not but I will kill him for sure for making me lose my mind.