Chapter 12

*Satvik Pov*

I smiled, feeling the peace both inside and outside, but didn’t stop caressing her back while she laid her head over my chest not moving, but is not asleep also with the way of her breathing that she is doing.

When I moved to press a kiss to her forehead, she suddenly sat up and I just miss from getting my chin hurt.

Holding the sheet securely she looked around before finding my shirt and wore it without saying anything and just got down from the bed making me frown.

“What happened? Where are you going?” I asked her and she turned around with an awkward smile.

“I need to go to washroom immediately. I had to go from the past few minutes, but I was feeling lazy and didn’t want to move away from you, but now I have to.” Saying that she rushed leaving me to laughter.

Shaking my head, I settled back and closed my eyes, but then suddenly I remembered the events that occurred today.