Chapter 22

*Anusha Pov*

“That will be a problem for us.” Jay stated the moment I explained them about the call I got this morning.

“Why? It is a good opportunity for us to get a brand name directly from the top people.” I pointed out and he nodded smiling.

“You are right! And I also know we have full capability to win it, but it will be a problem.” He repeated again before glancing at Satvik and then at me.

“What will be the problem?” Yash asked with an irritated expression.

“The competition is about making an advertisement in thoughts before presenting that to the judges and make them accept it. That can be done only by two people from the four of us. And those two people for sure can’t go together for this trip. Even if just one goes and takes either you or me, the chances of winning will reduce. And the people limit is just two people. So, tell me whether there is a problem or not?” Jay replied to Yash and I stilled.