Many years ago, the number of people with access to telescopes and devices which allowed them to view the stars increased and with it came hundreds of thousands of conspiracies, speculations, and senseless superstitions. 

Such superstitions including the possibility of 'alien life forms' which stemmed from 'sightings of Unidentified Objects' moving around the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond. The more the speculations grew, the more people got access to telescopes to observe this phenomenon for themselves, thus repeating the cycle over and over again.


 To constantly reassure the concerned and frightened citizens of Earth, the National Earth Space Station was launched between the Earth and its moon, acting as the first line defense from 'Unidentified Objects. The National Earth Space Station was established, becoming a permanent home for over a hundred brave men and women dedicated to studying outer space and the universe.

Apart from being mainly an observatory facility, the Space Station also acted as a base for astronauts who traveled into deep space for the purpose of scientific discoveries. In addition, the scientists on the station made technological and medical advancements. Rumors circulated that they were working on a serum to enhance human DNA, granting unimaginable powers but no proof of such eventually killed said rumors. 

On a particular day, a scientist at the main control center observed strange occurrences on an advanced computer monitor. As he investigated further, he grew alarmed by what he saw, confirming the superstitions shared by millions on Earth.

"Sir, you might want to see this," the scientist, now composed, called his superior general. "While going through my daily routine, I noticed the motion detectors had been triggered. When I checked the sensors, I saw this." He displayed three distinct shapes moving toward them.

"The heat-sensing cameras captured intense heat signatures entering our galaxy. Sir, I fear it could be... you know," the scientist expressed his concerns.

The scientist's leader, a highly ranked and trained military personnel, observed the signatures in silence, carefully considering his response. "They seem to be getting closer. Keep an eye on it, but don't raise any alarms yet. It could be a solar flare traveling through space."

"But sir," the scientist protested. "It's wrong to say these are solar flares. Our sun is in our galaxy, these flares are coming from outside the Milky Way Galaxy. I'm starting to think that those superstitions from before are true."

"Nonsense," the General replied, pulling the scientist to a corner. He whispered, "We don't want to cause unnecessary panic. No more discussions. Get back to work." The General dismissed the scientist and attended to other matters.

The scientist returned to his station, closely monitoring the situation, hoping his fears wouldn't become reality. "I pray this doesn't turn out to be what I fear."




Oblivious of the crisis ongoing in space, life continued as normal in ArkVille with hundreds waking up to accomplish their daily obligations. Some of those included Cherry and Ace who were on their way to school.

Given that it was at a close distance from where they were, they preferred to walk together to save money and exercise a little. 


Still glum from yesterday's event, Ace walked while dragging his feet heavily while his dear sister moved with a gleeful skip in each step. 

"Let's skip school today," Ace suggested and was immediately put down by a playful slap on his head. "I mean it, sis. Let's skip school."

"You're already in more trouble, Ace," she sighed. "Skipping school won't make you feel better. Besides, Mr. Ben put you on thin ice for skipping school constantly. Don't you worry about your future? You've only got like one more year and you'll be done with high school."


By the time the conversation ended, the two siblings arrived at ArkVille high, the cheapest school in the city. It being a public government school meant cheaper requirements for Ace and Cherry, saving their foster parents the expenses.


"I never look forward to school, and you know why." Ace complained while his sister tried tiding his messy orange hair. "But it's not like we have a choice now, do we?"

"No we do not." She ended with a playful hug before they separated to their respective study halls. 

Ace was a senior, so he studied on the left side of the school while Cherry, who was a junior, studied in the right side of the school. That way, those responsible for providing education wouldn't have to mix either sides. 


As soon as Ace walked into his classroom, the left side of his face was met by the mighty force of a heavy punch given by his one and only favorite bully.

"My condolences to you, your family, and your sister." Jason, a buff teen with blonde spiky hair, a rugged build, and an aggressive expression, greeted Ace with his hands placed together. 


"Son of a…" Ace gulped down hard, swallowing all the blood that was filling in his stinging mouth. Angrily, he turned to Jason with his fists tensed and eyes glaring with a firy fury.



Landing a hit of his own, Ace sparked a fight between him and Jason, the latter landing more attacks. Tugging on hair, hitting below the belt and smacking each other on the chest and face, the two boys started their day with painful sores before their teacher moved in to defuse their engagement.


"You will give me a good reason as to why you woke up and chose violence…both of you!!" the teacher snapped, looking at Jason the longest given his history. "Ace, get yourself to the nurse and as for you, Jason, get your parents here after school."


[A few minutes later.]


"Try staying away from trouble again, Ace," the school nurse, a young and attractive college intern taking the role as school medic, patted Ace's head while placing surgical spirit glazed gauze on his wounds. "Anymore hits and you'll end up in the hospital…again."

"It's fine!!" he winced while shaking his fist. "I fought back today."

"And you got more wounds…again." She sighed while playfully shaking her head. "I swear, Ace, sometimes I fear that you won't be able to protect yourself from people like Jason…the right way, not through fighting back."



"I'll manage," he hissed while rubbing the blood off his lips. "I'll find a way. Jason and anyone else like him won't man handle me like that anymore."