"Shall we have the next three please?" General Luke asked while ten teens left the testing room. All of them had red uniforms on, meaning that they were all elementals. General Luke asked for the attention of all the teens and said, "Due to certain circumstances, each one of you will be given these," He held up a wristwatch with a slick design. "After you've been assessed, your power levels will be shown on this wristwatch. The lowest is level one, the highest is ten. Please do not take them off. These watches will be linked to your DNA so that we can keep watch of those growing stronger, understood?"

He didn't wait for their responses but rather went back into the testing room and called the next batch of teenagers. Ace was a part of them, mainly because General Jack made him go against his will. The ten of them made their way into the room and after they all entered, the doors behind them sealed shut.

The room was relatively large but extremely empty. Not even the Generals were inside and this confused the ten of them.

"Where are the Generals? I don't understand what's happening here."

"Beats me. I'm not interested in this anyway. I'm gonna go."


One of the Generals spoke from the megaphones which were mounted on the wall.

"Excuse me, Sir," One of the five girls called out. "What exactly is going to happen to us? I mean, how is this test going to be carried out?


The atmosphere of the room started to change in an instant after the General replied. The once white room lit up and all the students found themselves in an open field after the light dimmed down.

The field was dry with no grass or signs of life. The sun shone brightly and made the ten of them sweat. The five Generals stood behind the tins as Luke came forward and said, "Welcome to your physical test. I know you're confused so my colleague will explain everything to you."

"Gifted youth, your physical test will involve you lot clearing this field and capturing the flags at the other end." He said as he pointed at ten polls that were far from them. "Given your abilities, we've added some things to make it more challenging as a way to, further assess you. In the end, the ones who'll make it to the other end fastest will receive extra rewards."

"Remember. Your score on this test will affect your life in the academy. Score well and you'll have more benefits. Score poorly and you'll line to regret it. Good luck and begin."

The Generals disappeared from the fields as soon as the teens were told to begin. Ace, who had been quiet the whole time, devised a plan to get to the other side as fast as he could. However, the field was too plain for comfort. He wasn't so sure about how he'd approach the test and he also didn't know what was out there, waiting for them to get close enough.

"Looks like no one wants to go first, huh? Well, I volunteer Ace to go first." Jason pushed Ace into the field and a loud buzzing sound was heard by all of them. The ground started to shake and split open as mechanical Granians rose up.

"It's those alien things!!"

"Is this a mockery? How dare they make us fight them?" Jason asked.

"They're obviously not, dummy." A tall, muscular boy, roughly in his late teenage years, replied as he stood next to Ace. "They're part of the test. I think we're to learn the movements of these creatures in this test."

The boy looked at Ace and said, "My name's Chris. Stick with me and we'll get through this together." He held his hand out to Ace for a handshake. Ace stared at Chris, then his hand, then at Chris again and said, " No thank you. I'll be fine on my own."

"Out of my way, weakling." Jason rammed Aced into the ground as he ran through the field. The others followed to and slowly caught up with him. Chris stayed behind and helped Ace up on his feet and said, "Look, buddy. You don't have much of a choice. If you don't stick with me, you'll get eaten up alive. Besides, that Jason kid doesn't look like he'll give you a chance to fight back. He'll chew up and spit you up."

"Like I said, Chris. I'll be fine on my own." Ace replied as he ran into the field. Chris frowned slightly as he followed, making him feel uncomfortable. 'What's with this guy."


The mechanical Granians sprung into action and started attacking the teens. Since Jason was the first, the mechs attacked him first by swinging their tails. The boy managed to dodge each swipe and laughed as he did so. However, one Granian snuck up behind him and grabbed him by his neck. It then carried him as it squeezed the life out of him.

The other teens were too busy with their own mechs that they didn't realize Jason was in his predicament. " you...piece*t." Jason's arm generated an electrical current as he held the mech's arm.

The mech's electrical system was fried slightly but it still had its grip on him. "Futile effort." It said as it bashed his body into the ground. While Jason was pinned down, two other tens passed Jason and took the lead. "Damn freaking....MACHINE!!"

With one powerful punch, he hit the mech and disassembled it in the process. Jason's body lit up and his speed increased the longer he used his lighting ability. One of the teens ahead of him,a brown girl with a buzz cut and a small frame, noticed how fast Jason was catching up to her so she did something unexpected.

The girl's body was swallowed into the ground, giving Jason false hope that she fell in. However, he didn't see the hole she fell in and before he noticed, the girl sprung up from the ground with her fist covered in earth. She gave Jason an uppercut and continued making her way through the field.

"Haha. Try harder next time, sweetheart." She taunted as she made the earth beneath her move her forward. Three more teens passed Jason, leaving him in sixth place.

"You'll pay for this, b*tch. He cursed as he continued chasing after the others. Three more teens passed him, leaving him in ninth place. He looked behind and saw Ace quickly catching up to him.'Oh no you don't.' Jason held out his hand and attempted to throw a lighting bolt at Ace's feet but suddenly, a large eagle quickly swooped down and took Ace with it.

"Don't worry, kid. I've got your back." The eagle, or Chris, flew as fast as it could and surpassed most of the students.

"You can let go of me. I want to do this on my own." Ace said.