"Almost there. Almost there. Almost there." Ace chanted as he got closer to the finish line.

However, a lighting bolt was sent out to strike at him but it missed him by an inch.

"What the hell?" He looks ked behind him and so Jason catching up really fast. He tried picking up his pace but then, Jason zapped him from the back, causing him unbearable amounts of pain.

" Out of the way, loser." He cursed as he ran past him and zapped him one more time.



[Damage is getting critical. Consume blood in order to heal ]

"Consume blood, huh? I've already gotten a target for that.]


The physical test for Ace and the other ten came to an end and the results were as follows.

Jason, who was in first place, got an orange outfit with a bracelet that showed his power level was 5, meaning he was powerful.

In second place was a girl names Lilly, an average height girl with red hair that was tied in a ponytail. She was given a black uniform set with a bracelet that showed her power level was 8.

Third, fourth and fifth went to two more elementals who had 4 on their bracelets.

Sixth seventh and eight were body cultivators and each one of them had power levels of 3.

Ninth and tenth place went to Chris and Ace, the last to cross the finish line. Chris's bracelet had a nine while Ace's had a 2.5, marking him as the weakest in the group.

This did come with its backlash due to the fact that Jason and Lilly mocked him. However, the third place winner, a girl named Ruby, ignored the others and tried to make friends with Ace.

She had five locks of hair on her head, a muscular but thick feminine build and kind eyes that made her look more like a mother figure.

"Hey, my name's Ruby. Sorry about coming in last." She said as she tried to confront Ace.

"Leave him be." Chris said as he stood between both of them. "If you cared you would have helped him cross the finish line."

Ace glared into Ruby's eyes but didn't say anything back to her. She smiled and mouthed the words sorry to Ace but sneered at Chris as she walked away.

"Pfft. Typical." Chris mumbles as he helped Ace get out of the room. The young blood mutant was suffering internal injuries so he needed help walking. " What do you mean, typical?" He asked.

"They act like they care when they don't. Don't worry, Ace. I'll protect you for as long as I can." Chris said as he gently placed Ace down.

While they waited for further instructions on what else to do, Jason waltsed in with a smug look and a proud, arrogant walk.

"Hey punch bag, glad you came in second place." He laughed.

Chris groaned bitterly as he tensed his fist. He was about the hurt Jason but Ace placed his hand on his and said, "Leave him be. He'll get his time soon."

"Hahahaha." Jason laughed so loud that the other teens glared at him. "You think you can do anything to me?" His hands sparked with lighting bolts. "You're nothing compared to me, punch bag. Don't even have thoughts of thinking you can touch me, weakling." He spat at him as he walked away.

"Do you two know each other?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, he was my highschool bully...and he still is here."

"Stay put. I'm going to have a word with him." Chris left Ace behind as he headed to Jason.

"What a sneaky move you pulled back there." A feminine voice spoke to Ace. "You chose the strongest guy here to protect you cause you knew you were weak."

"What do you want, Lilly?" Ace asked. "I don't even know you."

"You don't know me but I know you. It's a miracle you even made it to level 2, how weak."

Having had enough of it, Ace pretended to sneeze on Lilly but he really just made a small cut on her thigh. He then drained a small amount of blood which he consumed.

"Watch it, idiot!!" She said as she punched him off. Ace remained on the ground as he drained a little more blood from her. The lucky thing about his power was that his victim couldn't feel their blood leaving, no matter how strong they were.

"I apologize, Lilly." He sarcastically apologized without looking at her. The girl, who even looked to be younger than him, stepped on his palm as she pranced away.

'I apologize for your near death. You and Jason.'


Jason and the other eight teenager were chatting over some random stuff when suddenly, he found himself rising up from the ground. When he realized who it was, he quickly coated his arms with lighting but the person who lifted him just smirked and said, "Your little lighting can't do anything to me."

"What do you want men? I ain't got beef with you." He said. The person who lifted him was Chris, the body cultivator Gifted and strongest of all the teens in the entire base.

"Touch Ace again and you'll forget what it's like to have hands." Chris forcefully threw Jason down but just before he walked away, General Luke held his shoulder and said, "That's going to be a weak for you in the isolation chamber. Violence against each other will not be tolerated here."

Two armed guards gently led Chris to the isolation chambers. They were designed like prison cells with the traditional bars, a bed and a small toilet at the other corner.

"A week in here is mercy, boy." The guard said as they locked Chris in.

"Meals will be delivered at 10:00am, 2:00pm, and 8:00pm. Lights will be off by 9:00pm."

Chris wasn't worried about being in there because he could just shape shift out of there. He was worried about what would happen to Ace and how far the others would go to make his life miserable.

"Damn it Chris. You were given one job to protect him. A week's too far. He could end up severely injured, or worse.' He argued to himself. 'I hope he'll make it for the weak. After this is over, Jason's gonna get it."