"Something's wrong. Very very wrong!!" One of the Granians said as they watched what was happening on Earth through their highly sophisticated cameras.

"What do you mean? Has the gas not done as it was created to?"

"It is not that." He replied. "Only one third of the human population succumbed to the gas. The others are no where to be seen."

"Could they have known about this and took cover?"

"That isn't the case." A Granian with black scales and red glows around his body replied to both of them. Unlike the others with their green glows and gray scales, this one had pure black scales that made him look even tougher than the Grand Master himself.

"Grim. We…we didn't expect you to be with us, Sir." They bowed as they addressed him. "It is an honour to be amongst you, Sir."


Grim was, and still is, the greatest warrior in the entire Granian race. His combat skills, ideologies, tactics and deadly skills made him feared by others in the galaxy but worshiped by his own. The only reason he wasn't the leader of the Granians was because they were under a monarchy.

As thanks for his valiant efforts, he was given planets to rule, species to enslave, and troops to lead. Right now, he was meant to be conquering another species far far away from the Milky Way, but after he heard how long it took them to capture the humans, he put a halt to his expeditions to come and investigate. He travelled with another fleet of eight more spaceships that were slightly smaller than the others and made his way to the mothership unannounced.


"The honour is mine. As for your predicament. We're facing a highly intelligent species that cannot be dealt with through brute force alone."

"What do you mean, Sir?"

"If my guess is correct, they must have some sort of military leadership, just like us, correct? If so, they must be in underground bunkers for protection. Seeing their colonies and cities shows us their brilliance and if I'm correct, they are working on counter measures."

"If that's the case, we must attack as soon as possible."

"Nonsense," Another Granian walked in and as soon as he did, everyone, including Grim, bowed before him. "Our test subject is currently roaming on the Earth. If we attack them, we might end up killing of them."

"So, what do you suggest we do, Grand Master?" They asked. Grand Master instead looked at Grim as he waited for an answer from him. Grim stood up, looked at the planet once more and said, "We set up our colonies there as well."

"Elaborate more."

"Let's draw them out from their hiding places. I'm talking about fortresses where we can compete with them for their resources, food and other things. Drive them to the point where they can take it no more. When this happens, your test subject will grow over confident, think he can challenge us, and that's when we'll be able to take him out and the rest of these wretched species."

"Perfect." Grand Master replied. "We take off right now. Glad you came, Grim. Your services are highly appreciated. You two, gather the forces and send them out."

"Oh no, Grand Master." Grim interrupted. "I'm taking my own forces. Yours will only slow me down." Before Grim left, he looked at Grand Master and said, "You said one of your test subjects escaped, correct? How many of them are there?"


Grim and Grand Master were taken to the last floor of the mothership that housed all the captured species from the different planets the Granians conquered.

"I see you took a couple of souvenirs from your travels!"

"Only for further studies. You know I haven't found any species that are compatible with the Blood mutant genes. Apart from these humans."

"Interesting." Grim replied. "So these creatures are compatible with the blood mutants?"

"Not exactly. We had over one thousand five hundred subjects but only four were compatible. The others were killed by blood mutant gene."

"So with these four, we'll become unstoppable, correct?"

"Not exactly. Not only have we lost one of them, the others aren't willing to listen." The two got to cells that held the remaining three blood mutants.

The chubby man from earlier tried attacking them again, as usual and yet nothing happened. The slim man just starred at them with his arms folded while he flashed the middle finger. This didn't impress Grim at all but all was yet to change after he got to Cherry's cell.

"Oh my word." His eyes widened as he looked at the state of Cherry's cell. It was completely covered in strands of thick, blood that attack from the walls to the floor. It was extremely hard to see in there, since the strands were so closely connected together.

"She keeps growing stronger with each passing day." Grand Master spoke. "But we have no control over her. We tried putting her to sleep so we could put colors on her, but it's impossible getting a hold of her."

"Have you tried using gas?"

"Yes. We've also tried putting it in her food but it isn't working."

"I see then." Grim said. "If she's this powerful, why not go with her and leave the other behind."

"Because he has one of our most powerful systems in his system. If he fully learns how to control it…"

"He'll take us down using it." Grim said as he held his chin. Just then, the strands started to separate while Cherry slowly walked to them. She was more muscular, had longer hair and blood-filled hands and feet that nearly scared Grand Master.

Her hair covered her face, keeping Grim from knowing how she looked like. "It's funny how you think you'll grab my brother like that."

"Oh…so it speaks?" He said as Grand Master handed him a translator so he could understand her. "Why don't you show me your face, girl?"

"Why don't you step inside and I'll show it to you!!" Cherry replied. Grim smiled and was about to open the door before Grand Master stopped him. "No. You cannot go in there. She's too dangerous."

Grim smirked back and said, "She's nothing compared to what I've faced before."


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