[Training Sequence in Progress]


General Luke and the rest of the soldiers led the students into battle with Grim's Granians. The strongest stood at the front while the weakest were left behind to guard the base, in case anything happened.

This, of course, saddened most of the weak ones but it also pleased a few. Although Ace would have loved to stay behind and avoid confrontation, he desperately wanted to level up and grow stronger so he snuck his way and joined the others in the battle field.

'System. Play the first video.'

[Video 1]

Ace's system presented a full figure of his body before his eyes as a video played out giving instructions on what he was to do.

[Partial Transformation.]

[Description: This skill allows the user to transform a given part of their body for a specific amount of time. Due to your lack in strength and low levels of strength, you can only transform two parts at once.]

[This skill takes 2 energy points every minute. Test it out.]

Ace's curiosity was triggered and since it was his first time, he used the partial transformation skill on his hands. Ace slowly watched as his hands slowly transformed into red, bigger, razor sharp claws. The process begun with his veins bulging to the point where they exploded and his blood slowly crept onto his arms, covering them in a thick, leathery layer. The tips of his fingers turned into claws, while his fore arms became twice his original size.

"This is amazing." He said to himself as he made sure to hide his arms from the others.

"EVERYONE, DRAW OUT YOUR STAFFS, NOW!!" General Luke commanded as both human and Granian forces got closer to each other. Ace and the others drew out their staffs and suddenly, they each turned into weapons that suited all of them.

Ace's staff turned into a double pointed short sword. Most of them had staff weapons similar to his so they weren't as special as Luke made them out to be. "IF YOU NEED TO FURTHER EXTEND YOUR WEAPON, SIMPLY SWIPE YOUR STAFF."

Ace did as Luke commanded and soon, his short, double ended sword turned into a long, curved double edged sword with thick blades. "


General Luke and the soldiers fired energy blasts from their new and improved guns developed from salvaged alien technology. So far, the blasts were holding back the aliens, so the students didn't have much to do but wait, in case anything happened.

However, Ace felt something off from this war so he focused his energy and tried listening in on Grim's conversation.


"Lord Grim. The cloaking mechanisms have been developed."

"Excellent." Ace heard Grim replied. "Send them out now. Make sure everyone used their armor too. These humans seem to have more fire power than we thought."


"It's a trap." Ace shouted but no one paid attention to him. He desperately ran to General Luke, but as soon as he got closer, an electric current was sent through his back, making him fall in pain.

"What do you think you're doing here, weakling?" Jason scoffed with a frown on his face. "Didn't you hear. Weakling are not supposed to be hear. Now get lost."

"You…you don't understand…" Ace said as he pretended to be injured by Jason's attack. "It's an ambush. They're going to ambush us…."

"GET LOST." Jason shouted as he further kicked Ace in the gut. Ace remained on the ground, seething with anger while the others left him behind.

"Need a hand." Sky, who also followed the others, offered her hand to Ace with a smile. Ace smiled back cheekily, making Sky wonder if he was really hurt.

"We have to get out of here. This is an ambush. Those aliens have cloaking devices on. We must….." The ground started to rumble mightily as large sink holes spread all over. From those sink holes emerged dangerous, looking beasts that surrounded both the humans and the Granians.

The beasts were large ground hogs, almost the size of a fully-grown bull. They lad large, muscular bodies, long, sharp claws and tusks sticking out from their mouths. Their backs had sharp barbs sticking out and these ones had short but stubby, powerful tails.


[New Quest Available]

[The effects of the red gas seemed to have evolved the wild life of this planet.]

[Kill as many as possible to gain EXP and fighting experience.]

Ace and Sky were surrounded by eight ground hogs that growled and bellowed angrily at them. "The noise of our footsteps must have woken them all up." Ace said as he stood in front of Sky with his hands guarding her from the creatures.

"What are you doing? We have to make a run for it." Sky said with fear in her voice. She couldn't transform her body into anything that could help her and according to her knowledge, Ace didn't have much abilities apart from controlling oil. Or so she thought.

"What you're about to see cannot be told to anyone, okay?" Ace said.

"What are you talking about…"

"Please, you cannot tell anyone about this, understood?" Sky nodded her head in agreement.

[Partial transformation activated.]

Sky watched as Ace's fore arm veins bulged to the point where they popped. The sight of his blood spilling nearly made her faint but then, instead of the blood dripping, it covered his arms and moved around as if it was alive. "What the…."

"Close your eyes for this next part." He said and she listened, partially. Sky covered her eyes but made sure to leave space so she could get a sneak peak of what Ace was going to do.

[Blood drain activated.]

-4Energy points

Ace held out his bulging, bloody arms at the ground hog in front of him and activated his blood drain skill. At first, the beast's body started to change color as a few drops of blood seeped out. It struggled to set itself free, but Ace's skill kept it from moving while he drained more blood from it.


The ground hog jerked its body, setting itself free from Ace's grip. Ace was taken back from this sudden movement and he ended up accidentally spilling blood everywhere, including on Sky's skin.

"Sky, Sky. Are you alright?" He asked while she held her head that was throbbing in pain. "Sky. SKY!!"