While Ace was yet to face one of the most feared and respected Granian's, his sister Cherry was busy tormenting one of their fortresses with her acid spitting scorpions. The creatures crawled all over the walls while they disemboweled the Granians in the base, leaving none of them alive, except for the two she was interrogating.

"Well, boys," She spoke. "Aren't you going to tell me about this boy? Where can I find him. Where is he? HOW DO I GET TO HIM?" She yelled as she dug her blood scythe deeper into bodies. The two Granians screamed in agony.

"If I wanted to talk to myself, I would have just communicated to those scorpions." She said with a glare in her eyes. "NOW TALK."

"We don't know anything," The Granian with the scythe in its body cried. "We were sent here to scout out the area and wait for further instructions. We don't know anything else, honest!!"

He's telling the truth." The second one replied. "All we know is that. There's nothing else we know. Please don't kill us."

"Okay then,' Cherry smiled. "Then explain the black pods that crash landed in the Earth again." The two Granians looked at each other in confusion, wondering what their tormentor was talking about.

"We didn't know there was anyone else coming today." They replied. "It wasn't in the plan they told us."

"Looks like they sent you chumps to do their dirty work." Cherry said as she removed the scythe from them as she walked away dramatically. "If you do not have anything else to tell me, you're all useless now."

"NO. WAIT….." Cherry swung her scythe and sliced off the necks of the Granians, killing them on spot. She then made her way into their fortress and she found Granian technology, weaponry and their weird computer systems. While in there, she heard a lot of screams coming from the bottom floor of the fortress. As she went deeper, the screams got louder and she soon learned that they were humans.

"Help….Please. Help us."

"Save us."


"Is that how you welcome your savior?" Cherry smiled while she held her scythe on her back. She stood in a sexy pose that showed her curvaceous body clearly. There were about thirty men and women in the cell, meaning they were cramped, exhausted, tired, and frustrated but now, they saw a teenage girl standing in front of them with a large, black shiny scythe on her back.

"How…how did you get down here?" One man asked. "Did you get spotted by those aliens?"

"Oh don't worry about them!!" She smiled behind the mask on her face. "They're taken care of. Stand back." Cherry broke the metallic bars of the cell and freed the people while she walked away in a different location.

"Wait," The man who spoke to her earlier cried. "Aren't you coming with us? There's a military base only a few days away from here. Maybe these creatures have vehicles we can use to…."

"You people won't survive a day outside of this base." Cherry interrupted. She then banged her scythe two times on the ground and in a few minutes, her scorpion crashed through the walls and stood over her. "You see these," She scratched its chin. "There are tons of these bad boys out there. They'll kill you the second the scent of human flesh hit their noses."

"Then come with us. Please, be our protection." The man and the rest of the people got on their knees and pleaded. Cherry, who wasn't amused at all, sneered at all of them and said, "I got you out from the cell. Find your way back."

She mounted on her scorpion and together, they prepared to ride further away from the fortress. However, the man from earlier was still stubbornly persistent as he held Cherry's leg while crying, "Please, you have to help us. Most of us are parents and we want to see our children again. Don't you wish to see your parents once more?"

For some reason, the man could feel his body freeze as he looked into Cherry's death stare. He quickly let go of her leg and bowed before her saying, "I am sorry. I did not know. Please don't hurt me."

Cherry kicked the man on his face as she said, "You're a weakling. Get up and grow a pair." She kicked him again. "How are you going to get these people to safety when you act like such a weakling. You know, I should teach you a lesson for this but looking at you, you're not worth my time."

Cherry looked as the remaining men and women trembled in fear because of her and her scorpion. She banged her scythe twice again and the remaining scorpions surrounded them. "Don't scream,' She said. "Each one of you get on top of these things. They'll take you back home. And as for you, weakling," She handed him her scorpion's leash. "This scorpion's the leader. If you can't control him, he and his friends will make you into their snacks,"

Once all the men and women were on the scorpions, Cherry banged her scythe twice and they set off on their journey, leaving her alone in the fortress. She decided to spend more time in the base and find out why those other aliens were crashing back into the Earth and more specifically, who the black scaled Granian was.

"How the heck do I use these things?" She said, having had no idea how the computers work. She placed her fingers on the sides of the computer and blood strands went inside the system. Thanks to the chip in her brain, she was able to also read Granian and according to what the computer was showing, the Granians set up this fortress to send intel about what was happening in the planet after the red gas was spread all over.

"Red gas?!!" Cherry wondered. "Is that why the Earth and animals look…different."

[Computer Systems Online.]

[This is a message from General Grim] A video message played. [All Earthborne troops are to report to these coordinates. We're currently battling against the humans but we have pinpointed the escaped subject. Get here as soon as you can.]

"Well well well." Cherry smiled. "So that's where Ace is, huh!! I'll be seeing you soon, brother."