[Underwater Military Base]

Victor Vanders, one of the greatest minds the Earth had ever produced, was celebrating with joy for the new discovery he made yet again.

After learning about the effects of the red gas to the planet and the beasts of the Earth, he embarked on yet another journey to learn about what made this beasts so powerful.

After he had killed the giant mammoth earlier, he ripped out its heart, took it to his laboratory and spent countless hours learning, studying and testing it out and at last, he found multiple studies about them.

In his lab was the large, stone heart which he took from the mammoth. Even when it was no longer connected to a living organism, the heart still pulsated with energy and life and Victor found out some of the many things the heart or beast core, could do.

One; it acted as a powerful energy supply, since it was what was powering a quarter of his laboratory.

Two; the beast core seemed to have a malleable property to it, meaning he could be able to morph into any tool or weapon he desired.

After his experiments were completed, Victor began studying more of the beasts until he came up with a ranking system, depending on their power levels. The rank went as follows:

[D: For now, these were the most powerful he had discovered. They were to be known as town side crisis beasts that could potentially destroy an entire large town with ease. Victor also discovered that these beast cores were powerful and yielders large amounts of energy. He also discovered that the mammoth he killed earlier was in this same ranking, thus explaining it's vast amounts of energy coming from its core.]

[E: Village Crisis. These beasts could possibly destroy a village but they could easily be defeated by a team of experienced Gifted fighters. Their beast cores were only useful for making medium range level weapons that could injure a beast, but only at a low level.]

[F: These were the second lowest so far. These could be defeated by a single Gifted who is at the third level and above. Their cores were pretty much useless and could make tooks for handy men and women.]

[G: These beasts were less dangerous than a charging bull. Some may have large bodies but they were extremely weak and could be either used for hunting sport or training purposes. Their cores could only be used to power small machinery's, nothing less, nothing more.]

As soon as Victor made this ranking system, he sent it out to the Military bases, hunters, warriors and all sorts of people to whom this information could be valuable. He also said that the high tiered cores could be worth lots of money, so this immediately made tons of beast hunters very excited.

"Victor my friend, you have done it yet again." He said to himself. "Now, let's see what humanity will do with this valuable information."


The sun's last set of light kissed the Earth goodnight as it made way for the moon, marking the end of another day on this now evolved dangerous Earth.

The night sky was chaotic with dangerous flying beasts peppering the skies. Some just took a jolly night flight while others battled fiercely for food, territory and a right to mate.

Some flew by themselves as they hunted for any living creature that crept carelessly under the moonlight. Others circled around for hours without purpose, making a few onlookers wonder and marvel at their strange behavior.

Away from the night beasts, somewhere deep in a forest was a teenage boy with deep orange hair and sweat dripping down his face and back. His hands and legs trembled as he stood still while taking in deep breaths.

In front of him was the second beast which he had to kill, but it wasn't your typical, everyday beast with deadly fangs and a large body.

This peculiar beast didn't have fur, nor did it have scales, wings, claws,. fangs or any other beastly features. It instead had thick, pointed vines all connected to a large head belonging to a mutated Venus fly trap. The creature's mouth could fit a whole bull and it was lined with rows full of sturdy, curved thorns that acted as its teeth.

It didn't have any eyes but the roots it had planted in the ground helped it see whatever was coming towards it.

For now, the plant beast was dominating the fight, since it didn't have a single scratch on its body but Ace on the other hand was covered with slight bruises.


'Hang on, Sky,' Ace whispered to himself. 'Ill be there in a few minutes.'

[Blood step activated]

Ace sprinted for the beast with his forearms partially transformed. However, the creature swatted him back into the ground with its vines and quickly ran for him with heavy footsteps.

Ace narrowly escaped being stomped by quickly rolling away. Knowing he only had three minutes left, he had no choice but to try and see if any skill he had could work.

[Blood Drain Activated]

With his arms stretched out, he focused his energy and attempted to drain the plant beast's blood. Just as he thought, his blood drain skill managed to do its job as a thick, green liquid came out from the plant.

The beast struggled to set itself free but the life juice was literally being sucked out of it. Using its last vines, the beast quickly wrapped them around Ace's hands as it slowly dragged him to its mouth.

Ace struggled to set himself free but the beast's grip was too strong for him. The creature roared one more time as it placed Ace's body into its large mouth.

However, Ace was too calm and relaxed during this entire conundrum. Before the creature swallowed Ace, it felt a disturbance within itself.

A large, green spike pierced through its upper jaw and quickly sliced the creature in half. It's sides fell apart and all the vines connected to it withered.

Ace stood with the beast's core in his hands with slime allover him. He smiled and laughed madly for a while but that's when he saw something he wasn't hoping to see yet.


[Tick tock. Time's not on your side.]