'Th-th-this is terrible. H-how can I find him? Where will I s-start? Where will I go? Who will help me?' Ever since his little friendly visit with Grim, Jason was slowly losing his mind while also having to comprehend that he had some weird alien substance injected into his body. Two weeks was little time for him to hunt for someone, especially since he had no freaking idea where they were.

This of course did not go unnoticed since Jason had already informed General Luke and the rest of the base about his little chat with Grim, making sure not to reveal about the serum inside of him. However, to make things worse, the whole base's upper staff were currently panicking after they all failed to locate General Jack anywhere.

There was no security footage showing how he got out and apparently, all the cameras that were mounted to keep tabs on him mysteriously malfunctioned. To make it worse, they were over ten serums missing, making them hypothesize that Jack must have stolen them and made a run for to sell them for a high price.

Everyone knew that only teenagers and young adults had easy access to these serums so they would sell at a good price to those in the outside world.

"First these aliens want this kid to find another orange haired kid, then Jack goes missing, and now, we have no idea what those ten serums would be used for if given to the wrong person."

Even though all of this seemed to be escalating out of control, Luke knew he had to keep a calm, collected mind and begin the search for Ace and Sky, since they were the reason the earth's invaders chose to stick a little longer like an uncle who claimed to only stay for two weeks but said that a month ago.

The military commander for the younger ArkVille Gifted pupils organized a small meeting in the base's main panic room with a few of the strongest gifted upper-class students, including Jason. In the room were Jason, Lilly, and a few more other students by the names of Hurt Storm, Michelle, and Zain. For now, these seemed to be the only ones who would be able to handle themselves if they faced a little confrontation with either the aliens, evolved red men or the deadly beasts that now roamed the surface of the Earth.

As already established, Lilly was a Universal with the power to harvest and manipulate environmental energy and either weaponize it or manipulate it into anything else she wished for. Hurt, a mixed, eighteen-year-old top-class pupil and a Universal with an incredibly godly muscular build, possessed the ability to generate any sort of storm, hence his Storm nickname. However, what made him stand out was his incredibly useful skill to copy anyone else skill, as long as he saw them using it, he'd have it.

Michelle was an elemental who, though coming as a shock, could control fire, water, earth, air, and energy that was inside of a living being. She was a mild mannered seventeen-year-old brown girl with a well-built frame for her age, an almost intimidating scowl on her face but a hard-working attitude when it came to whatever task she was given.

Zain, a melanated boy with puffy, curly brown hair, and golden eyes was a body cultivator with a somewhat muscular build, quiet and collected attitude and possessed the skill to turn into anything, whether it was from this planet or not. It meant he could not only do what the ordinary body cultivators could do but also surpass them by creating and forging species of his own caliber.

"Students and…Jason," Luke spoke as he sighed heavily while saying Jason's name. "We've been faced with an unforeseen problem that could lead to the wipeout of the human race. All because of these two."

Luke placed a round, flat disk in the middle of the table and presented a holographic image of Ace and Sky. "For reasons best known to themselves, the aliens want us to retrieve these two and leave."

"What exactly do they want to do with them?" Michelle asked with her hand partially raised. "Could they be one of their own?"

"Pfft. Oh please," Lilly scoffed with a false sense of pride. "Those two were both level two students who, apparently, one could only control oil and the other could not even transform."

"That's enough, Lilly." Hurt, who saw himself as the oldest of the group, stood up from his sit and looked sternly into Lilly's eyes. "It is not right for us to say such things about them. How can you call them weak when these highly intelligent species seek so highly for them?"

"He's right," Luke cleared his throat while continuing from where they stooped. "As for now, the last place we saw Ace and Sky was when they directly confronted the alien leader, Grim." The holographic image changed from Ace and Sky to Grim and then it played out a recorded video of how Ace used his partial transformation skill and how Sky mysteriously transformed into a wild, mutated groundhog. Everyone watched in astonishment, fear, and amazement as they saw the fighting chemistry between those two.

"So, all along, that Ace kid could control blood and turn his hands into some sort of…"

"Blood claws!!" Jason interrupted as constant flashbacks of his embarrassing encounter with Ace's full blood mutant form played out in his head. He knew those arms looked familiar but he couldn't be so sure…yet.

"Not only that." Luke continued. "Look at how the girl suddenly transforms. We've tried training her for over four months now but we didn't manage to make a breakthrough."

"If I'm correct," Michelle spoke gently. "It seems that Sky needed to come in contact with DNA in order for her to transform."

"She's right." Zain spoke. "While others just need to look at an animal or think about them, most of us body cultivators need to have a little bit of interaction with them.

"ENOUGH ALREADY!!" Lilly roared while slamming her fists hard on the table. She took in a deep, calm, and relaxing breath and asked General, saying, "What's our way forward, Sir? How are we going to find them?"

"I'm glad you asked." Luke smiled while the coordinates on the hologram showed a forest with two red beeping dots. According to those readings, those must be their bracelets…before they crushed them so we'd be unable to track them. Those are the last points we received a transmition from but it was a while ago."

"Good." Jason, who was now somewhat pissed at Ace, starred everyone dead in the eyes while saying, "We at least know where to start so we'll back track from there. If possible, we can move out tonight while the red moon shines today. Perhaps we'll be able to start from their and find them.'

"Understood?" Luke asked and after they came to an agreement, everyone dispersed to collect their belongings and what exactly they needed for this mission manhunt. All, except for Jason. "Wait here, Jason. We've still got lots to discuss."