The loud man(OP1) charged at Ace with the sword by his right side. With each step he took, a small trail of plant life was left behind, proving that the sword's power was immense and right now, it was coursing through his veins.

The second man(OP2) charged at full speed with his staff gripped tightly in his sturdy arms. Ace quickly took a knee and once men inched closer, he shot himself feet high in the air with his hands placed firmly against his sides. Once at a good height, he looked down at both of them and clenched his fists.

"What's happening…to…ME!!" OP1 screamed and fell to the flow in agony as his body slowly shriveled. OP2's beast started acting out as it growled in pain. At first, it scratched its skin relentlessly and proceeded to ram itself into anything it could find. The rider tried settling it down, but the beast ignored his command and eventually threw him off its back.

"YOU'RE NOT LEAVING SO FAST!!" Ace shrieked. He slowly pulled back his fist, causing the beast's body to unwillingly move backwards towards him. He then rose his fist over his head and all the blood in the beast left its body, leaving nothing but a dead, dry carcass.

Surprisingly enough for him, the blood he got was much more than the other beasts, allowing him to go on with his next attack. Now that he had the beast's blood in his control, he made multiple blood blades which he kept by his side as he got back down to the ground.

OP1, who was still down on the ground, wailed in even more pain as two blades pinned him down through his palms. OP2, on the other hand, charged at Ace with his staff in his arm. He quickly swerved to Ace's side and viciously swung the stick to the back of Ace's head. As soon as the crystal hit the boy's head, his body convulsed as something much more painful than an electric shock went through his body.

He screamed so loud that his body reverted back to normal, leaving him almost defenseless. OP2 removed the stick and stood above Ace with an eerie smile on his face. His eyes were so delusional that Ace could feel the murderous intentions coming off of him.

"Not so powerful now without that form of yours, huh boy?" He asked with a powerful kick that went straight for the boy's sides. Ace fell to the ground wincing and grunting in pain as he held is almost cracked rib cage. OP2 continued with the series of attacks until he saw Ace cough out blood.

Though equipped with a powerful system and deadly skills, Ace hadn't learned how to properly execute them and bend his powers to their full potential. For that, the boy was nearly killed. His eyes met with OP1 when he stood over him with the gauntlets and sword in his grasp. "It's a waste I have to kill you now, boy. You'd have made me a lot of money. Good thing I cancelled the sell. No one's coming from you."

"You sure about that?"


Speeding through the sky was General Luke with the allegedly strongest pupils in the ArkVille Gifted Base. At the moment, they were all heading to the location where they'd allegedly buy off Ace and Sky and then hand them over to the Granians so they'd leave their planet.

All seemed t be going well. That was until Michelle began to panic out of control. Her breathing became shaky as she'd constantly tap away at the tablet Luke had entrusted her with. The others noticed this too, but neither cared enough to ask. They just thought it was something she'd usually do so they just let it be.

"Err…Sir," She finally spoke with a shaky voice. "We've got a problem. A REALLY big problem."

"What's the matter?" Luke, who was flying, took a moment to find out what Michelle was going on about.

"Whoever was selling Ace and Sky has taken their location off. They've called off the whole thing." The others were shocked to learn of this news as Michelle continued. "They took off the location and site of where everything was going to happen. We're completely in the dark here."

"Alright alright, Michelle," Luke replied, trying his level best to defuse the situation. "Can you still pinpoint where exactly the location was on the map?"

"Yeah, sure. It was right…here." Michelle showed Luke the last place the seller was supposed to be but then, the inner lighting system in the ship turned red as a warning sign.

"What's happening?"

"Is something wrong?"

"Does the ship have a problem."


"RELAX, ALL OF YOU." Luke yelled back as he learned of a shocking discovery. Four red dots were approaching the ship, and they were coming in at a fast rate. "We're under attack. Something's coming for us."

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" Jason complained, earning him a slap from Lilly for screaming in her ear.

"We're not alone in the air, alright." Luke replied. "All of you, grab a parachute and hang on. I'll try and shake them off." The Gifted teens did as they were told and Luke started flying the ship as fast as it could move.

The red dots came closer and much faster, but he still had no idea what they were. He quickly swooped lower, but they followed. He pulled up and tried increasing altitude, but the red dots still followed and the ship could no longer go any higher at the moment. "I'm failing to shake them off." He said while activating the aircrafts guns. "Hold on tight."

Luke quickly performed a 360 turn as he flew backwards. He narrowly managed to get behind the red dots, which to his surprise and shock to the others were large birds that were a quarter size smaller than the ship they were flying in. The birds were larger versions of vultures, each with a wingspan longer than the ship's itself.

"Opening Fire!!"