
Luke's eyes grew heavier with each second passing by. He yawned more often than blinked and his head suddenly became as heavy as a brick slab. The man's limbs trembled as he grew even more weary with each passing second.

As a way to combat this, Luke got down on his limbs and started doing push ups to keep himself awake. The more he pushed himself, the more his body got drained but he couldn't sleep. His backup would arrive at anytime and he needed to stay vigilant.

"Damn it. How long does it take for them to get here? They're on air crafts so it shouldn't take them that long. HOW LONG IS THIS GOING TO TAKE!!"

"Looks like you've been awake far too long, sir." Michelle spoke while rubbing her weary eyes. "Why don't you rest and let me take it on from here?"

"No need," He replied. "I'm handling it perfectly. All you need to do is rest. I'll be fine."

"You don't look fine." She replied. "Your eyes have bags under them and, you've been yawning more than usual."

Luke simply glared at Michelle before heading back to starring into the sky. The girl shrugged and sat next to him, quietly. The awful silence nearly made the girl force herself to start small talk, but the General didn't seem to be the chatty type.

Soon, Michelle decided to talk to her General, but she suddenly saw him get off the ground and smile while waving his hands. In front of them shone bright lights followed by sounds of heavy engines and strong gushes of wind. Dust blew everywhere as three large ships landed in and outside the base.

From the ships emerged six armed men, each carrying the same type of guns just like Luke.

"Oh thank God you guys came," He cheered. "I was starting to think you were falling behind on responding quickly…"

"GENERAL LUKE, WATCHOUT!!" Michelle pushed Luke aside as she forcefully swung her hands above her head. The ground beneath them started to shift as a wall of earth came between them and the armed men.

Luke looked at her with anger before realizing why she did what she had just done. Those so-called men had gray tails and their weapons, though similar to Luke's, weren't exactly man-made. With one shot, they broke Michelle's wall down as more started to surround them from every direction.

"It's an ambush," Michelle panicked while Luke woke the others up. "They must have known we were here somehow. We have to get out of here."

Jason, Lilly, Zain, and Murdock, each with their backs against the others, prepared themselves to face the sudden and unexpected ambush from the Granians. While Michelle made the ground underneath the Granians impossible to move on any further, Lilly focused all of her strength and made a large dome which acted as a temporary form of protection. The little ones were left inside a room so that they'd be shielded from what was happening outside but their screams left them vulnerable and before the others could do anything about it, the Granians already moved in and put them in their ship.

"NO!! NOT THE CHILDREN. LEAVE THEM OUT OF THIS. YOU'RE BREAKING THE TREATY." Luke burst through the shield and physically dealt with the Granians. The first one swung its tail at him so he easily dodged and responded with a punch to its helmet until it broke.

With its helmet off, the Granian was left to suffocate while the Luke went for the other that charged at him. Without even letting it have a chance at swerving at him, Luke threw some dust at its helmet, blocking its view for a while as he disarmed its gun from him and smacked the back of its head repeatedly until it fell to the ground.

Unfortunately, Luke was shot by three Granians and his body temporarily shut down, leaving the others to fend for themselves.

"I give up." Jason dropped whatever he had, raised his arms, and dropped to the ground. Lilly followed with the same action but Zain, Michelle, and Hurt remained resilient.

Hurt's eyes glowed as thick clouds started to gather around them. Rain drops begun to fall, followed by lightning strikes at all three ships. A strong wind blew the Granians off their feet while the boy formed smaller dust devils powerful enough to scrape skin off of anything.

Michelle threw boulders at each Granian and their ships endlessly while at the same time providing Hurt with cover.

Together, they were able to keep the Granians at bay, but then, an even larger ship, five time the size of the others, hovered over them.


Hurt, Zain, and Michelle were knocked out and pinned down buy a black scaled Granian that moved so fast that neither of them saw him move nor did they have enough time to react.

"Reckna ashish neda vro." The Granian spoke while placing some sort of radio-shaped machine next to its neck. "I commend you for harnessing so much power and putting up a fight for my men." The alien, or Grim, said with a wide grin on his scaly face. "I see some familiar faces here," He starred at Jason. "Looks like you failed tracking my target, huh. Guess I'll leave that serum inside you."

"Please, Sir," Jason pleaded. "At least get this out of me. I did as you commanded. I kept the tracker on me so you'd know where I was at all times."


"You are just full of surprises, boy." Grim said while lifting Jason up with his powerful tail. "I didn't say you should do this with others. I told you to do it by yourself but thanks to you, your friends WILL die if I don't get what I came here for."

Grim had all the humans cuffed and placed in the cockpit of his ship so that they'd see everything unfold before their eyes. "Get comfortable, sit still, and relax. You're about to see what we're known for in the universe."