While Ace made his way through the tunnels, dealing with a couple of Hunters along the way, two familiar faces waited anxiously on the other side, hoping for any opportunity to find him. Cherry and Chris, along with over one thousand other people, had taken refuge in the large subway hall, huddling together and waiting for the dust storm to subside.

The storm raged throughout the night, accompanied by thunderous sounds and lightning strikes that shook the hearts of many. Buildings crumbled, and the strong winds lifted anything light enough to be carried away.

Most of the people in the tunnels slept through the night, except for the frightened ones and the remaining Hunters. Some minor scuffles broke out among rebellious individuals, giving the Hunters a chance to flex their muscles and provide entertainment for onlookers.

While the evening passed relatively smoothly for most, Cherry couldn't find peace. She was unable to move or go anywhere because not only were a few Hunters keeping a close watch on her, but Chris was also keeping a vigilant eye, waiting for his friend who was supposed to help them find Ace.

"Chris," Cherry finally snapped, frustration evident in her voice as she punched the ground, leaving behind a fist-sized crack. "You said you knew someone who would help me find my brother. Where is this guy?"

"Calm down, Cherry," Chris nervously chuckled, finding her tired and angry state amusing. "There's not much we can do right now. Can't you see that the tunnels are filled with people? It will be even harder to find just one person... Hey, where are you going?" he asked, taken aback as Cherry stormed off.

"I'm going to find my brother. If you won't help, I'll do it myself."

"Well, I don't think that'll be necessary."

"What? What makes you say things like that?" Cherry replied, her hands ready to create a blood weapon in case Chris tried to provoke her. Chris noticed her stance and frowned slightly before muttering, "You cannot defeat me, Cherry."

"Why don't we put that to the test?" Cherry's blood weapon skill was about to be put into action when Chris swiftly grabbed her by the head and turned her vision toward the mouth of an exit tunnel. A glimmer of joy replaced Cherry's rage as she spotted a tall, slightly built man with poorly shaved orange hair, dressed in brown leather.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she instantly recognized him. "It seems fate wanted you two to meet sooner than expected," Chris chuckled, but Cherry was already on her way to reunite with her brother.


"W-where... where am I? H-how did I get here?" Sky slowly regained consciousness after being in a semi-comatose state. Her body was still weak, but she managed to sit up on the bed and assess her surroundings.

"Is this some kind of hospital? Aahh!" Sky winced in pain as she clutched her lower abdomen. She noticed a long scar on her stomach and a plastic tube transferring blood into her system through her left arm. Her right arm was handcuffed to the side of the bed, and a sleeping Hunter sat next to her.

"How did I end up here? What happened to me?" Sky's mind was suddenly flooded with images of a large groundhog-like beast fighting and killing men, only to be struck by another creature. The beast transformed back into a human, but the vision abruptly ended.

"Where's Ace?" Sky shouted her thoughts, startling the Hunter next to her, causing him to fall from his seat. He quickly slapped Sky across the face, muttering obscenities.

"What's wrong with you? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" he questioned.

"I'm sorry, Sir," Sky replied, tears welling up in her eyes. "There's been a misunderstanding. I was with my friend, and we were suddenly attacked by men out of nowhere, but then I... I..."

"What's the matter with you? Can't you even remember where you were before?" The Hunter laughed with a grunting sound. "Listen here, missy." He gripped Sky's hand and unlocked the handcuffs. "Your kind is not welcome here, understand? That's why you're locked up."

"My kind?" Sky replied, feeling dazed, confused, and upset at the Hunter's rude attitude. "Wait, I don't understand what you're talking about."


"Don't play dumb with me, b*tch!" The Hunter slapped Sky, his anger escalating. "You gifted freaks can't even do your jobs and get rid of the aliens. You're just hiding in your bunkers while weaklings like us have to survive the aliens, Red Men, and beasts." He ended with another slap, causing Sky to fall off the bed. The blood drip feeding into her bloodstream was torn off, and her head banged against the floor.

"Get up and run." A voice commanded, prompting Sky to quickly rise to her feet. However, the Hunter stood over her, stepping on her right hand.


"Don't think I'll let you get out and kill more innocent people, you evil girl."


As the Hunter continued to strike her, blood dripped from Sky's mouth and nose, and her weary face swelled with bruises. "Please..." she pleaded, "Let go of me."

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK BACK?" The Hunter raised his hand again, this time forming a fist.

"That's enough." A shorter, younger Hunter restrained the arm of the larger Hunter standing over Sky. "Since when was it acceptable for Hunters to prey on girls, you pervert?" With a kick, the shorter Hunter sent the larger one flying through the tent, crashing into the ground.

The shorter Hunter, a young man in his mid-twenties with a v-shaped head and short hair, stared at Sky with his partially triangular eyes. "Get up," he commanded in a deep, authoritative voice.

Sky, weakened and slightly dizzy, stood face to face with the Hunter, keeping her head down. "Tell me, what's your name?"

"Skyler, sir," Sky whispered. "But you can call me Sky."

"Did you come here alone?"

"Well, Sir," she explained. "I don't exactly know where 'here' is, but I was brought here by my friend. He..."

"He?" The Hunter interrupted. "Is 'he' your boyfriend or something?"

"No, Sir," Sky quickly replied, her face blushing. "We're not dating. We're just friends."

"Tell me, Skyler," the Hunter, now called Lance, sat on the bed opposite Sky. "Judging by your ruined special spandex suit, I assume you're from the Military Academy for Minor Gifted Students, right?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Cut the 'sir' bullsh*t," Lance replied. "Call me Lance. Now, Skyler, tell me how you and your friend escaped the Military Academy and ended up here. As far as I know, the closest academy is in ArkVille."