[Deep Space: Light-years away from Earth]

Six long years passed by like days. The Granians still had a long way to go until they arrived at their home planet from their previous conquest. The aliens were sent years ago to different planets in search of a perfect specimen that could handle the Blood Mutant Gene. They roamed from galaxy to galaxy, looking for creatures capable of harnessing and mastering the Blood Mutant power. After battling and destroying over eight hundred planets, the Granians finally stumbled upon Earth, a small blue planet billions of light-years away from any other life forms.

Like them, humans had body shapes similar to the Granians, although it didn't make them special. What stood out the most about these humans was their intelligence, but stupidity at the same time. Once scanned, their planet was revealed to be millennia old, yet its inhabitants hadn't even cracked basic space transportation according to Granian standards.