[Instant Level Up x5]

[Level Up.]

[Level 13 >>> Level 18]

[+5 Stat Points.]

[EXP: 80/460]

[HP: 100/100]

[Energy: 200/200]

[All Current Stats have been increased by five points.]

[Strength: 23 >>> 28]

[Agility: 17 >>> 22]

[Stamina: 17 >>> 22]

[Class: Knight] /10 Blood Points to Upgrade to the Next Class\

[Blood Strength: 25 >>> 30]

[Stat points: 7 >>> 12]

[Blood Points: 0]

[Symbiote detected.]

[Information: The symbiote type you've received is of the lowest grade. Symbiotes can be used to upgrade your overall strength. Collect higher-tiered symbiotes to increase your strength.]


[Some symbiotes may agree to share the same host while others will fight to consume the other. If not careful, one's body could get destroyed in the process. Choose and do extensive research on each symbiote before putting it in your body.]