The time allotted for Ace, Cherry, and Jim to rest had finally ended. The Granians rushed into the prison cell-like facility and secured them while making sure to use blood mutant blockers, stopping them from using their abilities to attack.

Before any training could begin, the three blood mutants were fed barrels of green blood. While Cherry and Jim consumed to their fill, Ace remained cautious, not wishing to overindulge to the point of addiction, like his system warned. He only consumed enough to fill his blood banks, just in case the Granians decided to starve them for unknown reasons.

Once their feeding was completed, the three blood mutants were separated and taken to their separate simulation chambers. This time, Skyler was taken along with Ace and Cherry. She was chained around her neck with three Granians dragging her.

"Welcome, humans," Chris greeted, while he and Lilly watched from a distance. "For today's exercise, you will be taken back to Earth."