While the Granians prepared to take Anya in for her 'transformation', Ace, Cherry, Grim, and Skyler were also being transported back to their holding cells. For this to happen, they needed to first get knocked out so that they would not know their way around the ship. 

Even though Ace had the system scan skill, it could only work if he had his eyes open and also operated on a not so wide range, especially in a mechanized vehicle like the Granian ship he was win. 


"Wait." Grim stopped the Granians who were in the middle of knocking out the blood mutants. "We first need a sample of the boy's blood."

"I shall go and get an extractor."


"No need." With a good wholehearted punch to Ace's mouth, Grim was able to extract enough blood that was going to be used to turn Anya into a blood mutant as well. "You four rest well. You'll need it."