
[You're losing too much blood very quickly.]


[Emergency Healing cannot activate. Your blood mutant gene has been blocked.]




Ace wasn't the only one getting a beating that resulted in him losing blood. Cherry, his sister and a blood mutant as well, suffered more injuries than he did due to her reckless fighting style and temper tantrums she'd throw once in a while. The two siblings struggled to compete with the Granians, even though at this point they knew their fighting styles and had mastered their patterns.


'This doesn't make any sense,' Ace complained while he remained on his knees with his head down. Blood dripped from his mouth and nose, making everything he smelled and tasted feel like iron. 'How am I failing to land a single blow on them even though I know their next moves? How do they keep dodging my attacks that quickly and yet beat me down with the same moves over and over again?'