It was time!

Ace and Cherry, the intended targets, as well as Jim and Anya, were once again brought before Lord Grania, the ruler of the Granian Empire. The alien leader ordered the Humans to be presented to him once more, even though he had commanded Grim and Grand Master to do it after Grim's mating ritual. Since his patience had grown thin, the Granian ruler quickly had them presented to him.

The four Humans floated in the cylindrical tubes with green liquids encompassing their bodies. At the moment, none of them were awake as they were all rehabilitating from their last adventure.

"What would be the best way to test their strength?" Lord Grania asked aloud, causing the Council of Elders and Advisors to murmur amongst themselves. For over two minutes, each one of them would whisper suggestions to Lord Grania, who would either nod his head in agreement or sneer in disgust.