The Second Planet.

The five Humans stood in one of the Granian ships while watching Lord Grim, One Horn, and Helda jump out from the ship and slam their bodies through the enemy ships down below.

With the help of Eneraflux, they were able to quickly dismantle the enemy ships and clear a somewhat clear path for their ships to go through.

Skyler and the rest watched in awe, impressed by the bravery the three Granians had. Even though they were hundreds of thousands of feet high in the air, they jumped from one ship to the other, almost oblivious to the altitude they were in.

Thanks to their small size, the Granians were harder targets to shoot down, and their weapons, reinforced with Eneraflux, became twice as deadlier than they normally were. 

"Instruct the Mutants to leave now!!" Lord Grim sent orders through the communicator in his ear to those on board the Granian ship, allowing the Mutants to leave.