{Simulation Commenced.}

{Phase One of Ten: Begin.}

[Quest Available.]

[Make it past the first six phases of the simulation.]

[The rewards will be based on how far you go and how much you accomplish.]

"What were you talking about, Ace?"

"If you two don't mind," Jim spoke to Ace and Cherry as he and Skyler prepared to begin the simulation. "We'd like to get started and finish as quickly as possible."

"You guys go ahead," Cherry responded and then faced her brother whilst awaiting his response. "What is it?"

"There's a way I can move you up to the Blood Knight rank," he answered and watched his sister's eyes widen with excitement. "I've already devised a way I can…"

"Why not now?" Cherry asked anxiously as she and her brother began the simulation by running. "You could do it now and…"