"Hold your fire, Granians. That's an order," a familiar voice interrupted Anya amid her thoughts, prompting her to look over and see who it was while still keeping Jim in check. "Stand down, soldier. Let the Blood Mutant come to me."

Looking back, Anya and the rest of the Granians paved the way as Lord Grania approached them dressed in a draconic armor set similar to Grim's. Surprised to see their ruler joining them in war, the Granians immediately bowed in reverence and made way for him to pass. Anya, relieved for once to see a Granian stronger than her, stepped aside and let Jim go, knowing well what was about to unfold.

"Don't kill him," she scoffed, refusing to make eye contact with Lord Grania. "He's just moving up to the Blood Knight rank, nothing more and nothing less."