What started as a simple fight to gauge each other's strength escalated into something slightly unrelated to that. Ace and Lord Grim jumped at each other's necks intending to knock the other out. 

Knowing the limits of the Human body, Lord Grim decided to hold back, only using eighty percent of his strength but even that still caused enough damage to the Blood Mutants.

As for the Blood Mutant, the blocker wrapped around his neck acted as a hindrance to his abilities since he was at his strongest with his Blood Abilities. Now that he was limited to using his physical capabilities, Ace had no choice but to push his body to new heights while making sure to leave a mark on Lord Grim at least.


"It's a shame you blocked my Blood Abilities," the Blood Bishop taunted, still choosing to run circles around the Granian. "Maybe you're still scarred by what Skyler did to your eye."