[It did. It did get worse.]


After walking past many settlements, the Granians were cursed and booed away by the inhabitants who were greatly angered by the reckless behavior shown by those who were allegedly 'going to liberate them' from Ethisian control.

It was already bad enough that the Granians owned them, their homes, and their planet then it got worse when the Ethisians took over, and now it was completely downhill with the way the Granians left nothing behind but destruction, death, and dead bodies which polluted the crystal blue waters. 


To make matters worse, there was the fear that came with the name Blood Mutants. The Golden Blood Mutant and the Screaming white and black Mutant used that fear to their advantage. Scaring the Ethisians before they arrived gave them the upper hand that brought with it weakness, terrible thinking, and reckless behavior, all affecting the Ethisians.