"Victory has never felt so good, Commander," the Elite Ethisian carrying the Blood Bishop on its shoulder dropped his body before the Commander and bowed afterward. The others did the same as a sign of respect, neither wishing to have their heads kicked off. "The Blood Mutant that once belonged to the Granians is now in our control."

Mockingly, the Commander used his leg to roll Ace's body over, expecting a reaction. Any reaction was what he wanted to see as a way for him to gauge the Mutant's strength. To his disappointment, the Blood Mutant gave no reaction. In fact, it didn't seem as though it was breathing.

'Dear goodness, please be alive,' the same Ethisian began to hyperventilate, its heart racing as its commander stood from its 'throne' and examined the Mutant's body. It prayed and hoped that the Human had simply passed out and that it wasn't dead. If it was, the Ethisian surely knew that they were going to follow soon.