[+25 EXP] X10


[Level 130: 667/1070>>>Level 130; 917/1070]


The outer space of the Command Post was wiped clean of all Ethisian guards. With the collaboration of two of his Blood Warriors, Ace managed to wipe out the Ethisians quickly in only a matter of seven short minutes.

Once they were killed, their bodies were dissolved in Blood Acid before having their essence extracted. Now, the Blood Bishop had ten more Blood Warriors in his army, increasing the number to;

[Conjured Warriors; 679>>>689]

[Blood Mana Lv5:39,514/64,000>>>39,764/64,000]


"Let us proceed inside, Blood Co…"

"I'll do this myself, Enoris," Ace silenced the Blood Warrior, standing still while exchanging glares with her. "I estimate to be slightly less in there. Besides, it being the inside means that they'll most likely have security cameras and alarms. I do not wish for you, or me, to trigger them."

"I understand."