[Blood Rust Skill: Activated]

"You take four, I'll take three," Cherry began her part of the job by slitting the throats of four of the remaining eight raiders. The leader was not allowed to die yet, so the Mutants were free to do as they pleased with the rest of the raiders. The Blood Knight, using her finger, slit gaping wounds on the raiders' necks but didn't allow them to bleed out just yet. 

Following her brother's footsteps, she watched as the creatures suffered in agony before finally killing them one at a time.

The first raider had its blood drained from the softer parts of its body, keeping it in constant pain throughout the process.

The second had its blood thickened to the point where its heart could no longer pump. Eventually, it died of severe cardiac arrest with the rest of its body bloating.

The third had its bones broken, its muscles ripped apart, and its flesh eviscerated from its body before being left to die on its own.