[Planet Edenia]

[Ethisian Home Planet]


The bright, rust-red sun set on the Ethisian Planet with maroon skies hovering about. The mixture of cold and fiery hot air blew on the tall buildings of the populated cities, plains, fields, mountains, valleys, and oceans.

Activities carried on as normal for the Ethisians with the majority of the population preparing for the War. Already, their allies the Yrrejites, Haisojans, and Soxans had offered their assistance to the War which, although made them enemies of the Granians, was a great way for them to ensure their survival and influence across the Galaxy.

The deal was that each of the three would receive equal portions of planets and colonies to rule once the extinction of the Granians was complete. That way, the Ethisians would live in peace with their allies and also pay them for their efforts in the War.