"It still burns bright in my memory."

Two High Grades, Commander and Enoris, were tasked with conquering a Granian colony within the Granians' half of Akrina. The chosen planet was mostly made of ice, its landmass consisting of nothing but thick permafrost, icebergs, and snow.

With cold temperatures, strong winds, and long daylight hours, the planet was perfect for the growth of minerals and resources highly sought after throughout the galaxy. For that reason, the Ethisians took it upon themselves to add this planet to their cluster of colonies, a task given to the two High Grades well-known for conquering whatever they set their eyes on.

It took some time and struggle, but finally, High Grades Commander and Enoris successfully took over the planet, its resources, and its inhabitants, who were given a small portion to live separate from the Ethisians.