"Let the Council begin."


The announcement was made and with that, the Yrrejite allied ruler and his companions presented themselves with their research concerning the poison that injured one of the Granian's Humans.

Taking center stage, the Yrrejite was escorted by three guards who carried what looked like orbs. The orbs were placed on the ground and from them emerged holographic screens with graphic images, charts, and diagrams all concerning the poison that was used.

"Greetings to you all. Let us begin immediately starting with the poison. As you'll see in the images, the poison used is a Cytotoxin derived from a species of beast thriving on a series of planets predominantly in the Ethisian side of the Galaxy. The planets are mostly dense with thick atmospheres allowing for wildlife to thrive. They also has vast ecosystems consisting of deep oceans, high mountains, and impenetrable forests where the beasts prefer to live, breed, and thrive.