"I don't see it."

"Where did the human go?"

"Has she been crushed already?"

"Unbelievable. Utterly unbelievable."

The spectators mumbled and muttered amongst themselves while most constantly stood from their seats and scanned the field for the human.

They waited in anticipation for some action, any action to be precise. However, all they got was her throwing a red stick into the creature's eye before disappearing under its feet.

This strange behavior led the Cyclitharans to believe that she either ran for her life or was prematurely crushed by the beast.

"Is this some kind of joke?" the Grand Duke angrily rose from his seat and started blasting at Grim and Lord Gravax. Expecting a much more entertaining fight, the Cyclitharan showed his disappointment toward the two Granians who promised but didn't deliver.