[Inside an Ethisian Ship]

'Oh good God.'


With great disgust brewing in her stomach, the human Skyler gazed at the appendage—a tail to be precise—while wearing a horrified look.

Forcing herself, she pushed the tail towards her face and tried taking a bite out of it but it didn't work out. The smell of the tail, and the fresh blood still spewing out of it, was putrid and painful to contain but that wasn't the worst part.

Just like a lizard's, the Ethisian's tail still wiggled and jiggled like a worm with blood squirting from it. The longer she looked and smelled it, the harder it became for her to keep down the contents in her stomach.


"This is disgusting. I can't eat a sentient being's body part," she whispered to herself, thinking about the other four who'd consume blood on almost a regular basis, "how do those guys do this and not vomit?"