[Planet Edenia Atmosphere]

[Ely's Ship]


In a few short hours, the High Grade Ely left the Ethisian home planet, Edenia, in pursuit of her own mission assigned to her by High Ruler Enor.

Accompanying her on her ship were two "Ethisian soldiers" who, for some reason, managed to get their own ship recked while following a fleet of soldiers into space. The soldiers—one Granian shapeshifter and the other a human shapeshifter—sat at the back while the Granian engaged in light conversation with the High Grade.


"High Grade Elyssara," Lord Grania mumbled weakly, making sure to act like a low-level fanboy gawking at their role model, "I couldn't help but hear High Ruler Enor say you have a mission. Will you be fighting along with the rest of us?"

Ely remained quiet, only wearing a cocky grin as she piloted the ship a great distance from the Planet. Her silence brought an awkwardness in the two soldiers' guts, especially Skyler.