Sorrowful Nights


Chaos. Blood. Cries.

Anguish. Pain.

The whole Weilin territory has been raided.

The once serene, beautiful town is now bathed in blood, hate and contempt.

Outside the palace gate, the cries of innocent citizens are heard as they run all around, confusion edging their actions.

The palace is no better, there was blood shed on every spot.

The Chenzo kingdom was really overpowering them, the people of Wei Lin were brutally killed .

“Your Majesty, please leave and find somewhere safe to stay, ” Chen Xu bowed, pulling the king, Zhong Su, back a little.

Chen Xu is Wei Lin's best swordsman , his skill for martial arts is extremely wonderful.

“No, I can't leave, not when my subjects are being killed ” The king persisted.

“You have to, I beg of you, our legacy rests on your shoulders”.

“Promise me that we will meet in one piece” the king replied before he was escorted-rather forcefully-away.

“Enough of the drama. Let's get back to business”.

Gu Cheng said pulling his sword “Finally my sword is gonna have a nice breakfast”, he laughed licking his sword.

Gu Cheng is CHENZO's best swordsman, his martial arts is something to write home about.

The fact that he has never lost at any battlefield was something to brag about.

“We'll see about that”.

Chen Zu fired back as he flew up pulling his sword .

They both flew up, striking their swords together. Chen Zu hit Gu Cheng with the back of his sword before he jumped down.

“Looks like someone's been taking classes,” Gu Cheng smirked.

“I hope you like what you see ?” Chen Zu scoffed and swung his

sword from side to side.

Gu Cheng ran towards him and gave him a kick as he also hit his sword head on his stomach.

Chen Zu staggered, while he was still trying to catch himself , Gu Cheng flew up as he threw his sword at Chen Zu and it pierced his stomach.

“Ahhhh”, he groaned bitterly as he held the sword and pulled it out .

“I knew you wouldn't take so much of my time” Gu Cheng smirked, sheathing his sword.


“What's going on? I want to go out!” Xing Su said as tears rolled down her face.

She wasn't sure of what was happening, but her heart ached so badly.

Her door opened, as her brother, Jing Su, came into view.

“Brother?” Xing called out, hugging him so tightly.

“What's happening, where is Father?” she asked.

But from Jing Su's stance, she could tell things aren't going so smoothly.

“Did something bad happen to my father?”

“Nothing happened", he turned to her personal maid, "Chu chu?"

“Yes, your Highness ” she bowed respectfully.

“Change Xing Su dress and get her out of here through the secret passage” he ordered.

Chuchu hurried to do as she was told.

“No, no, I'm not going anywhere. Not without you or father” she said.

Jing Su held her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

“I love you and you must be safe".

“No, I don't want to. What's life without you two, you and father are the only family I have. Mother died long ago while giving birth to me , I can't afford to lose you and father ”

“ I promise you. Xing Xing, I will come back for you”, he smiled as he left the room.

“No!” Xing cried out. She stood and tried opening the door but chu chu held her close.

“Please don't. I beg of you, I will kill my self if you step a foot outside". Chu Chu said with tears on her face too.

”What do you want me to do huh? Sit here and watch them kill my family?“ Xing Su lamented as she finally gave up in her struggles and fell to the floor.

”What if you go out? What will change?“ Chu Chu replied

Xing Su sat on the ground and started tearing up as her heart rate sped up, she clutched her chest like it was all she had left and screamed loudly .

Chu Chu held her by the hand and took her into the dress room, she quickly changed into a maid's clothing.

Even with the maid's clothing, she was extremely beautiful. Her beauty was breathtaking.

”Your hair , it needs to be messy," Chu Chu said, losing her hair. She took off every royal hair pin and every single accessory that could give out her identity.

Chu Chu gave her work a satisfactory look. Only her master's porcelain skin indicated her class, which she could be easily misunderstood for a mistress.

”Let's go" Chu Chu said as she opened the door, they walked through the back before they reached the secret passage.

Xing looked back and sighed before she entered into the secret passage.

She was leaving all the beautiful memories she had made, her life. She was leaving herself.

Gu Cheng smirked devilishly as he saw Jing Su, his father's body, King Zhong Su layed on the ground. Truly his sword has tasted royal blood and it wasn't going to stop there. His eyes held the raging desire for more blood.

”Go to hell!“ Jing Su ran with anger as he pulled his sword ,

Gu Cheng stood still, not moving an inch as Jing ran towards him.

He flew up and kicked Jing's heart, Jing staggered falling down, he scoffed and kicked Jing's sword away .

Jing stood cleaning the blood from his mouth.

”Judging from how you fight , you're still an amateur“ Gu Cheng smirked before he brought out a powder from his pocket and threw it at Jing's face.

”Ahhhh!!“ Jing screamed in pain as he staggered , he tried opening his eyes but couldn't, He went blind instantly.

Gu Cheng used the opportunity to stab him in his chest. He pulled out his sword before he cruelly cut off his head , separating it from his body .

That was what he deserved for attacking out of the blue.

He looked around him, every single person from Wei Lin was laying dead. He licked the blood from his sword and smiled deviously.

”Hmmm, who could have thought that the royal blood would taste so sweet?'' he giggled devilishly.

”Tie them to the chariots and make sure you give them a good race around the village“ he commanded as his men took the King and Prince's body.

Xing Su and Chu Chu kept running as their legs could carry, without looking back for a second.

Though they were very tired, the thoughts of dying won't let them stop for a second.

They heard the sound of chariots and horses so they quickly hid inside the bush.

”Ayaaa“, a horse shouted as a man wiped the horse, the king and Prince's body were being carried around the Village .

Seeing her father and her brother's body being driven around, Xing gasped, uncontrollably tears rolled down her cheeks.

”Fa….“ she tried to scream but Chu Chu covered her mouth with her hands.

”Please“ Chu Chu said as tears rolled down her cheeks too , she slowly shook her head.

”Who's there?“ Gu Cheng asked, pulling his sword out.

As he walked closer to them , their heartbeat increased, they would surely get caught.

”Please don't kill us,“ Chu Chu said running out.

”Really?“ Xing rolled her eyes

Well she had no option then to come out too. She didn't expect Chu Chu to surrender so easily but she couldn't blame the girl, she must have seen too much. t

They both knelt down, placing their hands on the ground.

”Please spare our lives “ Chu Chu pleaded while Xing looked up at him with an angry look.

”You rotten brat, “ Gu Cheng said, lifting Xing's face with his sword. ”Why the look? Huh?“

”I'm so sorry, my sister has a very bad habit, “ Chu Chu replied as she tapped Xing's back.

”I'm so sorry,“ she said nonchalantly.

”This one looks quite rude, “ he said, using his sword to draw invisible lines on her face.

”Assuming my sword hasn't gotten its breakfast, I would have surely killed you“. He said calmly.

”Tie them up, the palace needs more slaves". He smirked as two guards came down and tied them up.

There were many other captives there, young men, old men, children and even old women were taken as slaves.

As they moved the chariots , Xing kept looking back, seeing the way her brother's body was separated from his head hurt her so badly .

At this very point, Xing Su felt like dying. Why exactly was she alive? What is the joy of breathing in air?

Her kingdom wept out, her family were brutally killed. Who knows what next would happen to her?


”How sure are you that this war is going to be successful?“ The king's mistress, Xou chi sipped her ginseng tea.

”I am very sure that it will be a success“ Minister of defense, Peng Han said

”Your Excellency“, someone shouted outside the room.

”What is it?“ he shouted back.

”The Mission was a success, they conquered Wei Lin kingdom" the man from the other end replied.

They both exchanged glances before laughing out loud.

”As expected“. Peng Han smiled deviously as he clicked his tea cup with the king's mistress.