Xing Su's loud scream filled the whole place, her lips were trembling, as her eyes were already weak.

Her back was already bleeding due to the uncountless wipe and torture given to her

" Please … have mercy…" she pleaded as more whips landed on her back .

" Have Mercy?? Really ?? Do you know what we do to thief's around ?? How dare you step your filthy legs in his Highness room ?" The man shouted, giving her another set of whip.

Xing Su tried opening her eyes but couldn't , soon she passed out.

The man kicked her hard , before he went out and called Chu Chu to carry her away.

" Her punishment isn't over yet" he said as he drank his ginseng.

Chu Chu rushed inside and met Xing lying so lifeless , she stared at her almost damaged body and she didn't know when tears dropped down her cheeks.

She quickly carried her off , she went straight to the Maid's quarter and laid her there .


XIOA chi stared at herself in the mirror as the maids were arranging her hair .

" You look beautiful , Your Higheness" Yu Yan the head maid said as she combed her hair gracefully.

Xoa chi released a pleasing smile as she touched her cheeks.

" Mother ? " Xu fen said, coming into her room.

" What now ?" Xoa chi smiled looking at him from the mirror.

" Your highness" Yu Yan greeted with a slight bent.

He nodded to her greets while he held his mother's hand.

" You don't look so good " Xu Fen said and Xoa chi widened her eyes.

Yu Yan slowly bit her lips stepping backwards.

" You may take your leave, " Xoa Chi said, demoting her .

She stood up and pulled his ear .

" Ahhhh, mother that painful" he groaned.

" Then next time don't speak Ill of your beautiful mother" she rolled her eyes letting him go.

" But I was only telling the damn truth" he rolled his eyes and his mother hit him slightly.

" Why won't I look so pale when all I do is try my best to see how I can make you the crown Prince" she sighed sitting down.

" Well if you really wanted that , you wouldn't have become a mistress to the king , I mean it's been over 17years since he lost his wife ,the queen. But still you're nothing more than a mistress , and maybe that won't change" he muttered and his mother sighed.

" I will try my best to make you the crown Prince ,and yes one day I know I will become the queen , one day I will become " she smiled while drinking her tea .

" That's a long term goal " Xu fen chuckled and she shut him a glare.

" Gosh, sometimes I really wonder if you are my mother "

" Of course I am , you look exactly like me "

" I guess ,no wonder am dumb" he smiled dryly as she stepped out of the room.

" Just wait honey , I will try my best to make you the crown Prince" she gave a devious smile .

While Xu Fen was walking around the palace , he smiled as he played with a rabbit .

" Cute , cute little thing " he smiled, touching the rabbit.

He raised his brows and his eyes couldn't help but get Xu Kai. He sighed and turned.

" Hey " Xu Kai said getting over to him.

" Why don't you just pretend that you didn't see me ?"

" Because you don't pretend like you don't see me too? Besides, aren't we brothers ?* Xu Kai smirked. " It's only a less busy man that will be playing with a rabbit" Xu Kai smirked and Xu fen frowned.

" See you later kid bro" Xu Kai said walking away.

Xu fen closed his eyes and hit his hand on the ground.

" Does he always have to treat me in such manner" he said hitting his hand on the ground heavily.


Minister Peng Han walked around his fish pond , staring at the lovely fishes in the water.

" Good evening, your Excellency" A voice said from his back , he turned to see who it was.

" Haven't I told you not to see me in my house , are you crazy, what if someone sees you ?" Peng Han asked the man , standing in front of him.

" Am so sorry your Excellency " he said putting his gaze on the ground.

" What exactly brought you here now , Carl?" Peng Han sighed .

" We .. , we.. " Carl stuttered

" We .., we… what ?? Have you suddenly lost your tongue??."

" We killed some soldiers last night , they caused troubles for us, I very sorry for the costly mistake"

" Am glad you understand that it's a very costly mistake " Peng smirked , giving him a slap.

Immediately Carl knelt down, putting his two hands on the ground .

" Forgive me , your Excellency" he pleaded, bowing his head down.

" Get out from here before I completely lose it , and if this information links out and the king finds out , you will regret ever being born " he smiled, hitting his head.

Carl stood and started walking out , when he got to the gate , he met Gu Cheng getting in .

" Seems am not the only puppy that the minister uses " Gu Cheng said, rolling his eyes.

" And do I look like a puppy to you , even if I was , I won't be that dumb to lose my family while serving him." He snapped

" Really ??? It's not a matter of time boy ,you will surely lose every damn thing you love " Gu replied walking inside.


Xing slowly opened her eyes with a groan as she rolled over to the other side of the bed .

She placed her hand 9n her head as she stood up , her eyes still felt heavy, while her legs trembled at each step she took.

She stared around the place before her brain could process the information that she was in the maid quarter.

" Chu Chu " she called with her weak little voice . She stared around still hoping to see her but didn't.

She sighed stepping outside , maybe she would see her there , she thought.

" Chu Chu " she called as she stepped out." Excuse me , have you seen my friend Chu Chu" she asked one of the maid washing cloth

" And does it look like I care , get away from me thief " the maid rolled her eyes pushing her off and Xing took in her lower lips.

" Am not a thief , and don't call me that again" she half yelled.

" And what are you ?" Another maid said with a scoff

" Whatever " she sighed trying to get inside the maid but was stopped when the two maids stood on the door.

" You're going no where " one of them pushing her backward

" You idiot " she yelled, giving the maid a slap and the other one reciprocated.

" Get the hell out of the door " she yelled, dragging one of the maids away.

While she was dragging the maid ,the other one dragged her hair and she screamed loudly with so much pain , she felt like an electric shock on her head.

" Stop !!" A voice shouted from behind and they all turned, breathing heavily with a red face on.

" You , you just came and you are already making trouble , even after stealing food from his Highness , you must be a professional trouble maker " Yu Yan shouted, giving Xing a slap.

" Why did you hit me ?? They started first , and besides I didn't steal anything" she yelled back and Yan scoffs

" You have such audacity to talk back at me huh?? Let's see how long you will survive here with me ". She smirked

" And who the hell are you to predict that " she said folding her hands below her boobs.

" Well because I'm the boss here, " Yan smirked, handing her over a bucket.

Xing stared at the bucket in her hand , like she has even seen a bucket before.

" You see that droon over there " pointing at a big drone near an apple. " Make such it's filled with water " she smirked

" Huh?? That's unfair, I can't possibly do that , I have a wound on my body , don't you see that ??" She asked not believing what's happening.

" You better mind the way you talk to me , failure to fill the droon , no food for you for three whole days," Yan smiled, walking away with the other maids.

" This is really unfair !!" She yelled stamping her legs .

She carried the bucket and stormed off angrily , folding her fits angrily.

When she got to the well, she sighed, dropping the bucket down. She sat down the well , staring at it , like she was expecting the water to pour into the bucket.

" Should I help you ?" Lee Wu asked, dragging the water up.

" Yes ! Yes ! " She smiled as he helped her pour the water in the bucket.

" Thank you so much, " she smiled .

Xing tried carrying the water and let out a scream. " What the heck , this is so heavy" she frowned

" I don't think I can carry this " she frowned stamping her legs .

" Then carry it on your head " Lee smiled walking away " she's quite silly" he smiled.

" Of course " she smiled as she carried it on her head . At every step she took she staggered , she kept staggering as she hit her leg on a stone and she fall down , while the water poured on Xu Fen who was coming from the opposite direction.

" Your highness !!!!!" His guards shouted while Xing widened her eyes as her jaws dropped down.

Xing why do you always get into troubles , she thought, closing her eyes .