Yan ?" Chu Chu said shocked to see her standing at their back.

" Looks like your mouth is only good for gossip huh?? " Yan said walking over to Xing who doesn't seem bothered.

" Last I checked , it was mine mouth not yours" she yelled .

Yan immediately raised her hand to slap Xing , but she was fact enough to hold her hand .

" Don't you dare " she smirked dropping her hand down.

Seeing that she couldn't slap Xing , she landed the slap on Chu Chu instead .

" How dare you " Xing fired giving a slap.

"No don't " Chu Chu interfered while Xing pushed her away.

Yan touched her red cheeks before she went after Xing's hair , dragging it while Xing kept giving her numerous slaps. Making Yan face turn red .

" What's going on here ? " A voice questioned from the back , making them disengage .

" Your highness" Yan greeted with a slight bent.

" It was a mistake , your highness " Chu Chu pleased as she knelt down , she tried pulling Xing down but she refused.

" I see your the trouble maker here , can't you show respect to your queen?" Xio chi asked with her head up and shoulder high.

Xing rolled her eyes at her before letting out a dry laugh " you mean , mistress right?" She replied and everyone dropped thier jaws.

" Xing , Xing " Chu Chu muttered closing her eyes.

Without a second thought , Xio chi gave Xing a slap. The angry in Xio chi heart was enough to set a house on fire ,I mean no maid has the guts to say that at least not in her front.

" bring her to my chamber " Xio chi ordered as her guards carried her off .

" Let me go !!" She shouted kicking the guard at his back .

While they carried her away chu chu ran after her.

" Bring me down , you good for nothing guard !!" She kept screaming on top of her voice while hitting the guard who was carrying her onhis back.

" Who's that ? " Xu Kai asked Lee Wu who was laughing at the scene.

" The maid that ate from your table" he answered.

" You mean that lunatic " Xu Kai asked and Lee wu nodded.

" I guess she's a trouble maker , I wonder what's she did "

" Yu Yan ?? " Xu Kai called Yu Yan who was going after them.

She immediately turned and walked over to them with a bright and beaming smile.

" Why does she always smile like that when you call her " Lee asked and Kai shut him a glare.

" Your highness " she bowed.

" What happened ?? " Kai asked pointing at Xing who was being dragged into the king's mistress chamber.

" Oh , well her name is Xing su , she quite a trouble maker , she spoke I'll of the queen , she called her a mistress in front of other maids , such a rotten brat , glad the queen will eventually teach her a lesson." She said and Kai frowned.

" When did Xioa chi became the queen , answer me !!" He shouted and Yan finched.

" But she's the …"

" Get out , now " Kai shouted and Yan ran off immediately.

" Was that really necessary ?? " Lee asked and Kai sighed.

He walked out and Lee followed suit, Lee kept wandering why they were handing to the queen direction and he decided to ask Kai , but he cut him short.

" Don't bother asking me " he replied as he reached the chamber.

The guards immediately opened the door and poor Xing who was being whipped was brought to View.

" What's going on here ? " He asked and everyone turned.

" Kai ?? What an unpleasant visit " Xio chi faked a smile and Kai scoff.

He held Xing and brought her up , Xio chi and every single person in that room widened thier eyes.

"What is the meaning of this Xu kia ? " She shouted

" I should be the one asking you that , why is my personal maid being punished in your chamber, without my notice or even telling me about it."he asked and Xing stared at him confused.

" Personal maid ?? But when did that happen ?? Xing asked

" Have you forgotten that quick ,this morning I made you my personal maid , gosh, you have such an empty head "

" Ohh, yes that's true , this morning , I was made your personal maid , I totally forgot about that " Xing laughed awkwardly as she kept staring at Xu Kai confused.

" What sort of disrespectfull act is this , Kai?, I have every right to punish her , besides why would your personal maid call me a mistress??"

" What are you then ? The queen ?? Come on , you will never be that , at least not now." Kai rolled his eyes, taking Xing's hand as the walked out from her Chamber.

He dragged her into his chamber and shut the door behind.

" Are you crazy?"

" Did you save me to punish me , perhaps because I are from your table" she rolled her eyes and Kai scoff.

" You really are manner less and nasty " Kai said before entering into his room.

After some minutes , Xu Kai showed up with his sword , armor and a brush .

" Here , clean this house , my armor , my sword and wash those dirty clothes there " he pointed at a room , which was locked.

" Excuse me ?? " Xing blinked her eyes

" Your highness , don't be to quick to forget your place " he answered her with so much possession in his voice .

Xing immediately swallowed , wishing she was beating to death, then having to do such duties for him.

Xu Kai walked out of the room heading to the king's Chamber, he met the King's mistress and they both exchanged glance.

He entered into the king's chamber and sat down waiting for the king to show up at any minute.

After some minutes , he showed up with his personal assistant .

" What's the matter , Kai ? You don't seem good ." He questioned sitting down.

" I have come to lay a simple complain " he replied and they king frowned knowing fully well that he is going to say something huge.

" Your mistress , crossed her limits by punishing my personal maid without informing me , that's absurd , the fact that a mistress like her would so much want the position of the queen makes me wonder if she has a hand in killing my mother the late queen" he replied and the king frowned.

" Mind your tongue Xu Kai , you don't accuse people anyhow young man "

" You should know me by now , I won't stop still I prove it to everyone that she has a hand in killing the late queen"

He smirked standing up , he bowed before leaving.

At the door step he met Xioa chi and he suddenly stopped.

" You came quite late " he smirked as he walked away.

" You idiot " she said folding her first angrily as she entered into the king's chamber.

" My King " Xio chi called and the king stred at her with an angry look on.

" Why on earth did you punish Kia's personal maid without letting him know ?? He shouted and she finched.

That was like the first time the king has ever raised his voice at her.

" Am so sorry my king , just that the maid disrespected me, she called me a mistress , that was painful " she said cleaning off her tears.

He king sighed and turned to her , he pulled her closer .

" Next time , report to me , you know how stubborn Xu Kai can be " he paused raising her chin " am sorry for shouting at you " he added and Xio chi hugged him tight.


" Mother no oo , please don't leave " Xu Kai muttered as he rolled on his bed , with so much heat on his body.

" No oo!!!!!" He screamed loudly holding his duvet while he kept turning and turning .

Xing Su who was sleeping with a cleaning brush in her hands, immediately woke up due to the scream she heard.

She rubbed her eyes , trying to get her brain to process what she heard.

" Is this house haunted " she muttered standing up.

She slowly walked into Xu kai room , she sighed seeing it was him who screamed.

She got closer to him , seeing the way he was breathing and shaking on the bed , it was obvious he was having a nightmare.

" It okay" she muttered stroking his hair gently.

" Mother " he muttered holding her hands tight. " Please don't go , don't leave me"

Xing immediately smiled looking at his pretty, scared face. At that moment he was looking so handsome and cute .

Xing smiled sheepishly trying to touch his tempting lips.

Just then Xu Kai turned , pulling her to the bed. He held her waist so closer and tight as he leaned on her chest.

Xing immediately gulped down as her face turned red.

She tried pushing him off ,but he was quite heavy for her.

" Gosh , why is he so heavy " she muttered angrily.

Old warehouse

A masked man walked around the warehouse , paying attention at the workers who were packaging salt into a bag.

" How many salt are we to supply this night? " The mask voice asked.

" 60 bags" one of the man packaging the salts replied.

" Good , make sure the supply goes smoothly , and don't make any mistake again " he added, before leaving the warehouse.