Xing breaths increased every single moment as Xu Kai's hand ran over her body. Suddenly she recalled she was kissing her enemy.

" Your highness …" she called pushing him off her as she immediately stood up.

" Am sorry…" she bowed, running out of the room.

" Gosh what did I just do ?" Kai muttered, touching his lips. He hit his hand on his head and let out a sigh.

He came down from the bed and left the room. He walked around the palace looking for Xing to probably apologize. He could swear he didn't know when his lips touched hers.

" Xing Xing" he called as soon as he saw her sitting down on an apple tree.

" Your highness…." She turned.

Kai sat down beside her and she adjusted a little.

" I'm sorry for that… didn't mean to kiss you, just that I couldn't control myself" he muttered and Xing sighed.

" Is it really a problem… it's normal.."

" Normal…." Kai scoffs " does that mean you go around kissing any guy you see?" Kai frowned and Xing shook her head immediately.

" No!!, That's not what I meant , I mean when a man and a pretty woman sleeps together, it's natural for them to do silly stuff"

" Silly what…" Kai burst into laughter and Xing turned, staring at him with a dropped jaw.

" You…. Just laughed…" she said and Kai frowned.

" I didn't … I just had something on my throat" he said, faking a cough.

" But you look cute when you smile," Xing said, cupping his cheek.

" Smile again… I want to see those cute face" she said, trying to force a smile on Kai's face. Eventually Kai hit her hands off.

" Gosh…. Never seen a mannerless maid like you before…." He rolled his eyes and Xing chuckled.

" The sky is so beautiful…." Kai said, looking up at the sky.

" Ohh, yes it's so bright and beautiful… my father used to tell me different stories of the Stars."

" Your father?"

" Yes … he was killed when your kingdom conquered ours" she sighed and a drop of tears came down.

" Am sorry…. for ending your father's life" Kai said and Xing cleared her eyes.

" It's okay… they are all in the past" she muttered, faking a smile.

" It's not over yet , I will make sure I kill every single one in this Kingdom… just wait I continue being nice to you still I accomplish my goal" she said inwardly biting her bottom lips.


Chu Chu groaned as she finished washing a whole lot of clothes.

" Geez ….. " she said, pouring the water away.

" Watch it.." Lee shouted as small droplets fell on him.

" Am so sorry .. I didn't see you coming" she said, cleaning his clothes with her hand.

Lee held her hand and slowly brought it down.

" Shouldn't you be punished??" Lee asked and Chu Chu gulped down.

" And why would she ??" Xing Su said from the back and Lee smiled, turning his back.

" Gosh don't you know your place….. " he rolled his eyes.

" Of course I do… but do you?? What are you doing in a girls maid quarter?? Huh? You prevented animal" she shouted and Lee closed her mouth with his hands.

" Bring it down…, do you want to get me in trouble? Listen am here to check out something but eventually am done " he removed his hands and ran out of the maid quarter.

" Such a fool, " Xing muttered, turning to chu chu.

" Chu Chu?" She smiled.

" My princess," she smiled, hugging her tight.

" I miss you so much , " she pouted cutely.

" Me too , I miss you some much "

" Why are you here ? Chu Chu asked.

" Can't I come here any longer.. I can to freshen up" she said, getting inside the maid room.


" Are you sure of what you're saying?" Xio Chi asked Yu Yan, who had just reported Xing Su to her.

" I dare not lie to you , she's from the Wei Lin Kingdom, perhaps she's one of the maids but she's not meant to be Kai's personal maid she's meant to be working either in the field or in the kitchen" Yu Yan answered and Xio chi smirked .

" I see .. and you said she sleeps with Xu Kai right?" She asked and Yu Yan nodded.

" Definitely , for more than three nights now she hasn't slept in the maid quarter" she replied .

" This is quite impressive , can't wait to see the disappointing look on the king when he finds out that his son , Xu Kai has been sleeping with a maid from his enemy Kingdom" she laughed deviously.

" I just want her to sent out if this palace she's nothing but a distraction and bad Omen to this Kingdom" chu chu said and Xiao chi smiled.

" You may leave ,I will handle the rest " she smiled, staring at her reflection in the mirror.

Yu Yan immediately bowed and left. On her way she immediately bumped into Xing on the way.

They both stopped staring at themselves , dangerous glares.

" You're such a shameless whore" Yu Yan rolled her eyes.

" You don't always have to be stupid you know?" Xing replied.

" Just wait and see xing , you will beg for your dare life" she smirked, pushing Xing out of the way.

" gosh she's so damn foolish" xing hissed as she walked away.

She reached Xu Kai's Chamber and the guard opened the door for her.

" Your highness," she called, going into his room.

" Here you are.. are you going to the village again , can I go with you.." she said double blinking her eyes.

" No you not," Kai replied and Xing sighed.

" Please…, just for today .. I really hate staying in this palace"

" Then leave," Kai replied.

" Leave ?? Where to?"

" To the woodsof course, or you could just go work in a pleasure house."

" Pleasure house?? That's immoral". she replied and Kai nodded.

" But you just said you hate this palace , why the sudden change of mind"

" I will be back by noon, " Kai said, walking out of his room.

Xing immediately ran after him.

" But… I want to go with you"

" No more words, do you understand?" he said and Xing nodded sadly.

He opened the door and Xing left , with so much sadness in her face.

Kai took his sword and arrow and left the house.


The guards opened the door for Xio chi as she entered into the king's chamber.

She entered his room and met him being dressed by the maid.

" Let me do it " Xio chi said and the maids left with a slight now.

" Xiao chi" the king called and she smiled.

" I so much love it when you call my name, " she said, rubbing her hands on his chest.

" It's been a long time. We had a nice night. '' the king said and Xio chi smiled and kissed his lips.

" I know things haven't been so easy on you, you're getting old , you have to make one of the princes the crown prince" she said.

" That's true , very true," he replied.

" I know that a mistress 's child can't be a heir to the throne while a queen's son still lives" she said and the king raised his brows.

" And what are you trying to say ??"

" What am I trying to say is this… , I know this will surely hurt you but I can't help it , Kai is really going out of hand " she sighed.

" I know you have always trained Xu Kai to be the Crown prince but you see he's actually misbehaving now" she added.

" What do you mean??" The King raised his voice , Xio chi immediately smiled knowing fully well he's already angry.

" Well, could you believe that Xu Kai is sleeping with a maid , not just any kind of maid " she paused seeing that his face expression has completely changed.

" What sort of maid??" The King said, folding his fist angrily.

" A maid from Wei Lin Kingdom , he even went ahead to make her his personal maid , can you believe that"

" That's a lie , Kai wouldn't be that stupid" he half yelled.

" Believe it or not , your son Xu Kai is sleeping with a maid from the WEI LIN kingdom, your enemy . Do you know what that means… , it means she can easily turn his face and he may go against your will or even worst, she will use him to wipe out this Kingdom"

" That won't happen, not when I …, Xu Feng is still king " he shook his head as he left his room.

He stormed angrily as he went to Xu Kai's Chamber but didn't meet him there . He immediately went to the maid quarter with so many guards with him.

" Yu Yan!!" He shouted and all the maids immediately came out as soon as they heard the king's voice.

" Is that the king?" Xing asked.

" Yu Yan ? Who is that good for nothing maid that has the guts to sleep with my son? Who!!" He shouted and all their maids began murmuring.

" You don't say a single word, I will kill every single one of you " he shouted and they guards drew their swords.

" Your majesty , please spare us.. it… Xing Su" Yu Yan said falling on the ground.

" Who the heck is Xing su??" He asked and immediately the maids all turned to Xing , making it obvious it was her.

Xing slowly gulped down, she held the tip of her dress as her whole body was literally shaking.

" How dare you!?" The King shouted, giving her a slap and she staggered .

" Am sorry , your Majesty, it's not what you're thinking" she tried explaining but was shut when the king gave her another loaded slap.

" How dare you speak back at me " he shouted kicking her down.

" Xing ! Xing! " Chu Chu cried trying to carry her up but was dragged back by one of the guards.

The king immediately took a whip from the guards and started lashing it on her back.

" Ahhh!!!!" Xing Su screamed loudly as the whip kept landing on her back.

" Am sorry… please forgive me" She screamed on top of her voice.

" Shut your mouth," the king shouted, kicking her back.

He kept flogging her , even though her clothes were already thorn and her flesh was being whipped out.

Chu Chu closed her mouth as she kept crying non stop.

The King threw the whip on the ground and ordered the guards to take her away and lock her up .

" Make sure , Xu Kai doesn't see her still she's dead and if anyone dares mention this to him , you will wish to die then to live" he said leaving the maid quarter.

" Xing ! Xing " chu chu cried running after them as they carried her away.

Xing was already half dead , her body was dripping of blood , even with that pain the guards dragged her , making her legs scratch the ground.

" Help…. me.. chu chu" Xing cried before she passed out.

Yu Yan, who was still watching how the cruel6 dragged Xing Su out, started laughing.

" Uhh, such a pity , it's a deathwish , how dare she tries to take my place" she smirked

" I hate her existence" one of the maids said as they went back to the quarter.

" Please ….have mercy…" Chu Chu cried out in the underground prison.

The prison was specially made for criminals who were to be hanged.

They kept flogging Xing, not minding that she was already half dead.

After some minutes , they hung her two hands with the chains.

Blood kept dropping down from all parts of her body. Her body was seriously wounded.


Xu Kai immediately dropped his sword and his arrow, he had a smile on his face . He was one step closer in finding out who the supplier of the drugs was.

He kept staring at the door expecting Xing to show up with her troubles any time soon but that didn't happen.

He opened his door and found the guards whispering among themselves.

" Go get me Xing " he ordered and the guards exchanged glances.

Kai stared at the guards who didn't move an inch and immediately he knew something was wrong.

" I said get me my maid" he shouted and the guards exchanged glances again.

" I guess something must be wrong with your tongues right" he smirked going inside.

He brought out his swords and his guards were already on the ground , begging for their lives.

" Please have mercy…. " They all cried .

" Where the hell is Xing? " he shouted, cutting off one of the guards' heads . " I will do this all of you , if you don't speak now"

" She was beaten and set to the prison, she was accused of sleeping with you, your highness, please spare my life , I have families" one of the guards said tearing up.

" How dare they …" Xu Kai shouted running towards the king chamber with great angry filled in his eyes.