Xio chi's chamber

Since yesterday's night that Xiao chi learnt about minister Peng Han's arrest, she hasn't been herself. She's been running temperature as the thought of what may happen next troubled her soul.

" What should I do ….?" She sighed walking around her room.

" Your highness?" Yu Yan called.

" What is it?" Xio chi shouted and Yu Yan flinched.

" I actually brought a message from minister Peng Han, '' she muttered, giving a letter to Xiao chi.

Xio chi immediately took the letter and opened it, it was a threatening letter. Minister Peng Han threatened to expose all her secrets if she didn't Find a way to let him out of prison before it would be execution time.

" By what time will the execution be carried out?" Xio chi asked, sitting down on her bed.

" By sunset" Yu Yan replied and Xio chi sighed.

" I will be out for a long period of time." Xio chi said and Yu Yan nodded.

Xio chi left and went into the underground prison where minister Peng Han was kept.

" Peng Han?" Xio chi called minister Peng Han who was lying on the ground. He immediately stood and went to the prison reels.

" Were you planning on leaving me behind? After everything I did for you? I now see that you can never change." Peng Han yelled and Xio chi rolled her eyes.

" No time for this drama , what should I do to get you out here?"

" Speak to that useless Carl , he needs to find me a substitute , after all he is the reason for the damage and loss am facing now"

" Carl? How is he going to substitute you … you don't expect him to turn in for you right?"

" I didn't say that Xio chi, I said find me a substitute… be fast and make sure no one sees you" he said and Xio chi nodded.

" One last thing" peng Han muttered and Xio chi turned.

" Give this to him" he said, bringing out his royal plaque.

Xio chi took it and left. With that plaque it would symbolize that it was peng that sent her.


Lee Wu and Xu Kai were at the Archer stand, shooting arrows.

" It's really hard to believe that Peng Han is finally going to pay for all his evil," Lee said , as he shot his arrow.

" I feel so uneasy today… " Kai replied.

" Maybe because his's finally going in , I mean even I can't believe it" Lee said.

" That's not it, for some reason I feel so uneasy and my mind is really feeling heavy"

" Maybe because you haven't seen Xing su for long …, you guys are so clingy" Lee sighed.

" That day we fought with some assassin…., That guy was a bit familiar"

" Are you kidding me right now? He was with a mask , how then did you manage to see his face talk more of being familiar" Lee rolled his eyes.

" I know but…" he paused and sat down on his sit.

He poured his Ginger tea into his tea cup and drank from it.

" Seriously .. I don't even know why am restless and I can't really say why the guy's picture keeps flashing back at me"

" Don't worry you will get over it.. trust me" Lee muttered.

Lee's attention was out the moment he saw Chu Chu and some other maids.

His eyes followed her as she walked and his cheeks couldn't help but smile.

Kai turned and noticed why he was smiling and then suddenly he poured him his Ginger tea.

" What!!, Why did you do that?" Lee shouted and Chu Chu turned watching him.

" You look like a dried fish.. so?" Kai replied and Lee rolled his eyes.

" For the past fifteen years Kai, I have been your only friend and all you do is treat me bad" he murmured.

" So now I treat you bad huh?" Kai stood, coming closer to him.

" Of course you did!" He half yelled.

" Really?? That's so unfair …" Kai muttered and Lee raised his brows in surprise.

Is he really apologizing to me?? He thought and a slight smile escaped his lips , but that wasn't for long as Kai dragged his ear.

"Ahhh!! Kai!! Kai!! That hurts… please let go of me.." he pleaded but Kai ignored him as he pulled him around the palace field.

" I so much hate you Kai….. your the worst friend ever….." he screamed and Kai laughed as he kept dragging his ear.


Sky Lord , Carl and Xio chi were seated in one of the guests house.

" May I know why you're here?" Sky Lord asked.

" Minister Peng Han sent me here, you Know what that means, evidence has been found against him and today he shall be executed by noon" Xio chi said and Carl and sky Lord exchanged glance.

" How do we know you speak the truth?" Carl asked.

Xio chi smiled and brought out minster Peng Han's plaque and they both sighned.

" And what exactly does he want us to do?" Sky Lord said.

" Get him a substitute… someone who will fully take the blame"

" What?? We should get him a substitute?" Sky Lord asked and Xio chi nodded.

" Your little brother here is the damn reason why his going to be killed… so I think he should be one to fix the problem" Xio chi rolled her eyes.

" That's never going to happen!!" Sky Lord half yelled standing up from her sit. " That is absurd…. What does he takes us for?" She asked and Xio chi laughed.

" Exactly what you guys are, assassins. That who you are , and that's what you will be forever , you will always be the bad guys"

" Don't Cross your limits" Sky Lord muttered drawing out her sword.

" Sister!, please calm down okay?, Let me handle it" Carl said and his sister sat down.

" I will get you a substitute , since it was due to my carelessness that he is in this condition" Carl replied and Sky Lord stared at him shaking her head in regrets.

" No!! You can't do that!! How can you give out our guards to take the blame of someone's else? Is that why they're here?" Sky Lord asked withholding back her tears.

" Please let me handle the issue" Carl muttered leaving the guest room.

" Who could have taught that the famous Sky Lord will be this emotional…" Xio chi said in a mocking tone. " If you ever wanna be above people pushing you around… then you have to give up emotions, they don't pay"

After a while, Carl came in with someone, Xio chi let out a smile as the man bowed.

" I will be honored to end my life in other to save minister Peng Han" the man said and Xio chi smiled.

" Now that's a good dog.." she smiled and sky Lord couldn't help but leave the guest room , the whole stuff was becoming irritating for her.


Xing watched herself in the mirror as Chu Chu arranged her hair.

" Wow.. it looks beautiful" xing smiled.

" Thanks you , your highness" Chu Chu whispered into her ears.

" For real?? Are we back to that now ?"

While they were still discussing , two maids immediately rushed into the room.

" Everyone listen up.." one of the maids said and Xing rolled her eyes knowing fully well it was nothing More than gossip.

" Minister peng is about to be executed and now someone said that he was the real seller of the drugs" the maid said and everyone was shocked.

" What did you say?" Xing Su said standing up.

" I said that someone showed up in the courtroom now and confessed that he framed minister Peng Han up… he even showed the Minister's plaque"

" What!!!? That's impossible… " xing muttered, running out of the maid's room.

" What's wrong with her?" One of the maid said.

" Mind your business fool" Chu Chu rolled her eyes.


The court room was ass quiet as a grave yard. Everyone was still shocked by the drama going on.

" Are you trying to say that you're the one in charge of selling and distributing these fake drugs?" Kai asked and the man nodded.

" Yes your Highness… I did all this thing"

" Your Majesty… why would someone even lie to the point of killing himself for me , clearly I didn't do it" Peng Han said.

" That's very true your majesty" one of the minister siding Peng Han said and they king nodded

" All thanks to you Kai , we have got the real criminal" the king said and Kai rolled his eyes.

" Do you know that you will be executed right now? Kai asked .

" Yes, your Highness… I did something terribly bad … I deserve the punishment" the man said .

" Good then the punishment will come then" the King said and the guards took him away.

" Ohhh my gosh … it feels good to be free.." minister Peng Han said .

" Enjoy the time minster Peng Han" Kai rolled his eyes.

Out of anger Kai immediately stormed off From the courtroom.

" Why is he angry all of sudden?" Peng Han laughed.


Kai opened his door with anger , he couldn't believe Peng Han just walked his way out.

" Xu Kai?" Xing called seeing that Kai was almost tearing up.

" Why does it have to end up like this…? He asked, giving a sad smile.

" It's okay… am here" she muttered, pulling him to a hug.

" I love you and we will fight this together… I promise you Xu Kai… whoever made you cry will regret it" she said, also tearing up.