Phoniex RISING

( Between love and War)

Chapter 12

Written by Wealthy



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Drunken Love

Xing watched as Yu Yan and other maids served various kinds of foods on the table, all she was doing was supervising them. Yu Yan on the other hand couldn't help but give xing hateful glares all through.

" We're all done, " Yu Yan said , turning to Xing.

" You can all go , I will call his Highness" Xing replied.

The maids started going out and Yu Yan followed suit , her shoulder pushed Xing out of the way and she staggered a bit.

" Will she ever change?" Xing asked inwardly .

She left the dining table and went to the lounge , where Xu Kai was .

" Your Highness, your breakfast is served" she said with a bow and Xu Kai smiled.

" Of course my Lady," he replied, kissing her cheeks.

He entered the dining room and met Lee Wu pacing around.

" What's your problem.. seems you're finally awake?" Kai asked, sitting down.

" I had a very terrible dream .. very terrible" Lee Wu replied, staring black at Xing .

" Why are you staring at me like that?" Xing asked.

" In my dream.. something terrible happened to you , Kai "

" Something like what?" Xu Kai asked as he drank his tea.

" In my dream… you kissed Xing su" he said ,shaking his head. " That's was a very terrible dream…"

" Really…?" Kai chulcked.

Kai slowly nods his head and stood up from the dining table, he went closer to Xing and kissed her.

" Xu Kai?? You … kissed her.. not a dream" Lee Wu said as he stood hypnotized.

After a while Xu Kai broke the kiss and faced Lee Wu who's mouth was wildly open.

" Close your mouth .. you look like a fish" Kai muttered, hitting his head and he came back to his senses.

" So.. I wasn't dreaming at all? That terrible dream wasn't a dream after all." He nodded, staring at Xing.

" Am glad you know now" Xing smiled and Lee scoffed.

" Has anyone told you how ugly you look when you smile?" Lee asked and Kai raised his chopsticks to his eyes. Immediately Lee swallowed hard.

" You don't wanna lose your eyes right?" Kai frowned and Lee nodded.

" Why exactly did you want to see me? Didn't come here , just because of the stupid dream you had right?"

" Of course not .. we have an unfinished business , remember?"

" Ohh that?" He turned and stared at Xing , giving her a dismissal sign. She bowed and left the room.

" The other warehouse has been found empty, I think the started packing when the noticed that the other one was burnt"

" Minister Peng Han is quite smarter than I thought" Kai smiled.

" What do we do next.. we have to get your father a proof or else you know what he gonna do" Lee said and Xu Kai nodded.

" I know .. we are leaving to the village now" he said, sipping his tea.

" Yes your Highness.. but I still got a question?"

" Throw a stupid question and I swear to cut off your head " Kai replied and Lee nodded, biting his lower lips.

Xing Su who has been at the door eavesdropping ran out as soon as she heard Kai foot steps approaching.

While she was running so fast , she bumped into Xu Fen.

" It's you again." Xu fen said , pulling her back.

" Good morning your Highness.., I think you got the wrong person" she said, trying to free herself.

" Aren't you Xing su? The one and only trouble maker in this palace, remember the day you poured me water , huh?" Xu Fen asked and Xing immediately shakes her head

" Am totally sorry.. must have been a rough day"

Xu fen let her go and she sighed softly, she turned and noticed the rabbit he was carrying.

" Wow.. is that a white rabbit.." she giggled touching it " so beautiful and sweet" she smiled.

" Do you like rabbits?" XU Fen asked.

" Of course . Who wouldn't love a white rabbits that brings good luck and .."

" And love" Xu fen completed the word and they both smiled at each other.

" I have so many other pets in my chamber, incase you want to see them"

" Really?? Wow.. I will love to" she smiled.

" I thought as much.." he replied as he walked towards his Chamber and Xing followed him.


" How could you be so careless!" Peng Han shouted, giving Carl a slap.

" Am so sorry your Excellency"

" Sorry? Did you know what that bastard didd to me ? He embarrassed me in front of other ministers.

" You good for nothing animal!" He shouted again, giving him another round of slaps.

" The fact that you had the guts to show up in my front is very disgusting " he shouted and Carl folded his fist angrily.

Peng Han immediately brought out his whip and flogged him.

" You idiot.!" Peng Han yelled as he continued whipping him. After like what seemed like forever , Peng Han stopped.

" Get out of here and never return still you fix everything you spoilt , even if it means killing that Xu Kai of a person" he said and Carl nodded slowly.

He stood up and he groaned silently as he kept feeling fire burning at his back.

Peng Han stormed off angrily and Gu Cheng came into Carl front.

" I told you .., slowly you will get to be like me… very soon you will lose everything and eventually become a slave like me" Gu Cheng said laughing crazily as he walked away.

Carl stood there , he let out a dry smile as a he felt his hot tears on his cheeks.

" I will surely kill you , Xu Kai? He shouted leaving.

Carl climbed his horse and immediately he left Peng Han Mansion, riding towards the village.


Xio chi kept pacing around as she just finished reading the letter Peng Han sent her.

" What do I do now??" She said bitting her lower lips .

" Your highness.. are you okay" one of the maids said. " Should I get you tea? or something else?" She added and she turned, giving her a glare.

" You all leave !! Leave at once!!" She shouted and the maids found themselves running out.

" This can't happen, if Xu Kai finds a proof against Peng Han, then he will surely expose my evil deeds ,no that can't happen… I won't let that happen" she thought as she broke some flower vessels.

" I need to do something … but exactly what do I do now?" She thought inwardly.

" Ahhh…. I know exactly what to do'' she smiled devilishly .


Carl and his ground of assassin ,laid down on the bush waiting for Xu Kai and Lee wu to pass , so they could assassinate him.

" KILL HIM AT ALL COST " Peng Han's voice rang loud in Carl's ear and he folded his fist angrily.

He raised his bow and targeted Xu Kai as they were coming out from one of the warehouses with their proof in their hand.

All of a sudden Xu Kai stopped and turned around.

" What's that?" Lee Wu asked, turning around too.

" Someone is in the bush" Kai muttered, drawing out his sword.

" We got company huh?" Lee smirked, drawing out his sword too.

Before the could move an inch forward , they assassin started shooting their arrows at them.

" Watch out!" Lee said as he flew up , striking the arrows down with his sword.

Carl ran towards Xu Kai's direction, pulling out his sword as they began fighting.

Kai kicked Carl in his stomach and he staggered back.

Before Carl could catch himself , Kai jumped up and gave him double air kicks.

"Ahhh!!" Carl groaned, touching his lips , it was already bleeding.

" You better leave.. your too weak to be mine rival"

" Not without your head" he shouted running towards him.

Kai also ran towards him and in a twinkle of an eye , he cut his arm slightly and when he turned he cut his hair.

" Leave!! Or else I promise your blood will flow on this land" Kai shouted and Carl rolled his eyes.

The fact that he couldn't even touch Kai was the worst pain he ever felt .

He turned around and he was the only one left.

" Next time we meet … I won't spare you " Kai said, climbing his horse.

Lee got closer to Carl and stopped.

" His still young and foolish an amateur" he sighed, climbing his horse.

" Make sure you train yourself and your little assassin , before you attack someone like me , understand?" He said as he drove back.


" Huh?? That's my girl" Fen smiled as Xing danced .

They were both drunk at that very moment.

" Shake your hair … pretty ladies have some fun with the prince!!!" Xing shouted and Xu fen covered her mouth.

" Shhhh that's very loud , listen to my own song" he said and they both sat down on the ground.

Listen to my heart , listen to my voice and you would know me eeee , and you will know me eeee"

Come along with me , play along with me and you fall in love with me

" Whoa … such a nice voice .. you look so handsome and charming" she belched

So tell me what you see .. when you look into my eyes… , when you look into my eyes..

So come along with me, play along with me and you will know me eeee and you will know me eeee..

" Wow … nice voice.. cute voice , nice heart who wouldn't wanna fall in love with you" she smiled cupping his cheek.

As she drew closer to kiss him , immediately Kai dragged her back.

" Are you Crazy?" He shouted facing Xing.

Xu fen looked up and saw Xu Kai and immediately he frowned.

" I hate it when people touch my property" Kai yelled with angry in his voice.

" Then am deeply sorry for that" Xu fen said

" Excuse me ?? Who the heck are you ?? Answer me?? She shouted and Kai rolled his eyes as he carried her away , in a bridal way.

" Let me go !!! Let me go !! You crazy man!!" She shouted hitting him at the back.

Kai immediately dropped her down and she staggered.

She turned around and started smiling.

" Gosh…… who's this?" She smiled pointing at him.

"You're so cute and hot," she smiled, touching his stomach. " Wow… I can feel that energy" she giggled, jumping up and down.

" Can I be your woman?" She whispered into Kai's ear.

" Let's get going" he muttered trying to drag her away but she refused.

" Let me go!!! Answer me … am I your woman?? Hmm" she said, putting her hand on her waist.

" Am asking you for the last time , Xu Kai?? Who am I to you? Am I your woman??" She shouted and immediately Xu Kai slammed his lips on her .

" What just happened??"

" That's impossible!!"

" Did the prince really kiss her right now??"

The guards and maids around started murmuring as they watched the romantic scene.

" Xu Kai??" Xing said, double blinking her eyes.

" Yes my Lady"

" Can we do something silly tonight.." she smiled naughtily drawing invisible lines on Kai's chest

" Of course" Kai smiled, as he kissed her and carried her into his chamber.