Xu Kai kept thinking about what just happened, his heartbeat increased as he kept thinking about Xing.

" Why would she even do such a thing," he muttered, drinking his wine.

He sighed for the tenth time and stood besides the window , it was raining heavily, and he couldn't help but think about Xing.

How come his missing her so badly, she was now an addiction for him.

He held his chest as he felt a pain spring up, it was a heartbreak, it was killing him inside.

" I miss you so much Xing" he muttered leaning on his window.


Xing stood besides the window, she kept thinking about Xu Kai.

" Has he eaten?, Has he slept already?" She asked herself. She didn't understand why she couldn't help but think about him. She was meant to hate him , but instead she developed an unbreakable bonds with him.

How did that even happen? When did it happen?" She sighed face palming herself.