Lee Wu stood at the back of Xu Kai watching him sketch a drawing, looking deeper to the drawing, he discovered it was a rough drawing of the Golden flower.

It was almost the same with the tattoo on Xing's body.

" Golden flower?" Lee said and Kai dropped his pen.

" Yes, do you know anything about the Golden flower?" He asked.

Lee Wu nodded slowly and sat down on a sit. He took the drawing and stared at it for about two minutes before he dropped it back.

" Legend has it that , the flower gives immortality and it flourish whatever ground it's been layed" he replied and Kai nodded.

" But why do you ask? Have you seen the flower somewhere?" He rushed his questions and Kai shook his head.

" I was just wondering" he replied and Lee raised his brows. " Where exactly is the Golden flower?" HE added.

" The are mostly in WEI LIN KINGDOM, that was one of the gifts the kingdom got from the gods"