" Xing!" Xu Kai muttered not believing his eyes. Is it really her?

" Xing?" The lady asked and his eyes cleared.

It was just his illusion.

" Milord" the young beautiful lady bowed and Xu Kai smiled before going back to his throne.

" Do have interest in her, her name is Xixi". The king's assistant spoke.

" I do not have interest in her"

" While you could choose your queen from here,you know a king shouldn't be without a queen" the king's assistant said and Kai turned giving him a cold glare

" I'm not your usual King" he replied and he swallowed.

" But she's beautiful" he muttered

" You can marry her if you want" he said and he rolled his eyes.

" Xu Kai?" The emperor stood up. " Do you not have any plans of getting a queen tonight?" He asked and all the kings, turned their gaze at Xu Kai.

" I have not found any one pleasing to me" he replied and the Emperor nodded.