Light honestly didn't know what to do. He wasn't sure if he should avoid her since she was a dangerous companion, or befriend her since doing the former would just raise suspicion. He honestly would prefer the latter, but he couldn't... place himself when he was around her.
No. He'll act as he normally would but in reality, he would be avoiding her. He, Yagami Light, should be able to pull it off.
He frowned at himself, partly because he knew he did not want to do it and partly because he was asking himself too many vague questions.
"Oi, Light."
Being with her brought too many uncertainties that the logical part of him would do anything to rid of, yet he was having a difficult time mustering the willpower to actually do so. It was a quandary that shouldn't even be a problem, let alone a dilemma.
"Oi, Liggggght!"
His eyes twitched.
"Nani? Didn't I tell you not to speak with me in public?" He hissed. What the hell was that shinigami's problem now?
And then much to his chagrin, Ryuk started muttering disclaimers that basically just meant he was not on anyone's side and he was just there to observe. Something was bothering him, he said, and whatever he was going to say to him was not uttered because he was on his side but it was because 'it'—whatever it was—bothered him on a personal level.
"Get to the point, will you?" he cut him off, not in the mood for his antics.
"Someone's following you."
His feet stopped, frozen, and he slightly turned his head in an attempt to sense whoever was following him. The guy was good, considering he had no idea up until now, and he did not like this feeling. Having one major problem was enough.
But in the end, the anxiety did not even bother him at all, or at least none of it showed. It wasn't hard to remain cool and collected even under very suspicious circumstances such as this one.
Besides..., he thought using the positive thinking Ryuk had commended him for, at least he could forget about her for a while.
Inside the room, Ryuk watched Light with blunt interest as he pondered about his new shadow and forcibly shake thoughts of a certain girl away at the same time. He had been expecting something like this when he dropped the notebook, but then he knew whatever type of user Light would turn out to be it would be really interesting for him.
When he finally got bored of watching Light think, he then told the human about the eye deal right after stating the two fundamental differences between humans and Shinigamis. It was actually very enticing – the deal. Despite the fact that it would half a person's lifespan, obtaining it would maximize the death note's efficiency. Light knew that, and for a moment Ryuk thought he was considering it.
"That deal…" he said, apparently not in the mood to control his facial expression."…is out of the question."
Ryuk blinked.
"I will be the god of the new world, Ryuk. And I will rule it for a long time."
"I see. I just wanted to tell you before you start whining about me not telling you the details."
Light scoffed, and replied coolly. "You should have told me that when we first met, Ryuk."
He laid on his bed and resumed staring at his ceiling. "So… do you have anything else to add?"
"No." Probably.
Ryuk gestured to turn around when Light started speaking. It seemed like he couldn't keep quiet for a while since that girl Lawliette seemed to have great impact on him. He muttered something about he would have considered the deal if the eyes were wings instead. Things about how humans wanted to fly since ancient times.
Ryuk didn't speak for despite his antics, he was never dense. He might not be as smart as Light, but he could read most people pretty easily. From the tone and implications, it was obvious what Light was trying to do.
He was convincing himself that humans are inherently evil, as opposed to what the girl said.
"Then that would make you an even easier target for the police."
Light chuckled all of a sudden and sat up. "I was joking Ryuk. I don't think I'd want to be a Death god."
"You're actually a fine death god, Light. Compared to those lazy shinigamis at the realm. It is rotten, and I don't even know why it even exist."
"It sounds as if I'm just working much harder than all of them. Besides…" he said nonchalantly, as he scanned the notebook. "I am a human, and I'm doing this for the sake of other humans."
Ryuk blinked.
'Didn't he just say he wanted to be the god of his new world?' he mused in slight puzzlement and then grinned.
'Hehe… inconsistencies already, Light?'
And Ryuk was about to tease him about that last thought when Light jolted up and sat back to his desk. He asked clarifications on the rules out-of-nowhere and started writing on his notebook.
"What are you doing?" Ryuk asked in pure curiosity, and Light grinned confidently.
"Setting up a trap to get my shadow's identity."
Light polished up his plan and begun looking at phone numbers on his phone. He needed someone to ask out so he could pretend to date her, a factor in his plan. He paused and looked for her name but then remembered a millisecond later he never took her number. He frowned; a millisecond in Light's standard was pretty slow.
And more importantly, why did he think of her?
He shook his head and clicked on a number. He listened to the phone ring and answered Ryuk's inquiries at the same time. "Hello?" He called, ensuring his tone of voice was an inviting one. "Takeda-san?"
Yagami smiled. Really though, Takeda was the most natural option to ask out. Besides, despite her obvious pretensions to be reluctant he knew precisely what she felt for him.
Indeed, a girl that would follow his will.
A perfect chess piece.
They met at the bus stop 10:00 am. He looked inconspicuously with his peripheral view to ensure that his shadow was still there. And he was, with Light thinking that whatever he would be doing would be useless if he wasn't.
"Ohayou, Light-kun." Takeda greeted in her usual confident way and held his arm. "You made me wait long."
'Hell I did.' He mused, he saw her earlier and she arrived a few minutes before he did. He sighed mentally, it was one of the reasons he dislike wo—
An image of Lawliette passed by and he frowned.
'That girl is not a woman. She's an alien in a crazy girl's body.' He mused and proceeded in playing along with Takeda's antics.
"Ah. Gomen, gomen. I'll make it up to you once we get there." He said, and passively led her to the bus.
They sat near the back, and the man behind them. Takeda opened a few topics and he expanded them to make their date appear as natural as possible.
But it somehow ended up in a very uncomfortable topic. "Anyway…" she smiled, obviously going to tease him. "I thought you'd ask Ryuzaki-san out."
"Why would I?" he asked masking his surprise. Takeda got the message that he did not even try.
It was an awkward moment that happened when one tried to make a joke about something that didn't happen. Takada quickly rummaged her beautiful head for an excuse. "I just thought that you two were… close, I guess."
"What makes you think that?" he responded almost leaking the uncharacteristic anticipation in his voice. He was lucky that Takeda did not sense it at all, as she was hoping that her intuition was wrong.
"I just thought that co-representatives become close… I suppose."
'Well, that's an idiotic thing to say.' He mused, not sensing his own disappointment.
Takeda looked at the window. "I wonder if we'll bump into them there in Space Land."
"Rokko and Mukahi-san."
Yagami Light went to auto-pilot mode for the several minutes that came after. What was wrong with him? At least his huge brain was still working properly and he was still enticing a decent conversation with Takeda.
Lawliette and Rokko on a date? What was that even about?
He immediately pulled himself out of his trance when he heard the door open, revealing a very suspicious man around his 40s. 'That's him!' and his back arched slightly in alertness and anticipation.
And so, his intricate plan began.
Rey Penbar could not believe this was happening. He had just scratched the superintendent's son off the suspect list and he was just following him before he called it quits. Now, there was a hijacker threatening to shoot everyone on the bus if the authorities did not follow his demands.
Yagami Light also decided to be heroic and showed his date a note on whatever he was planning. He, of course, went against this and he reluctantly got talked into proving his innocence. Yagami was quick to suspect that he might be the hijacker's accomplice, and sadly it was logical that he thought that way.
Everything that came after that was a blur, really…
The man suddenly yelled manically in terror and begun shooting randomly. He appeared to be having strong and terrifying illusions and he jumped off the bus to escape from the monster in his mind. And—as if a random car was waiting for him to jump off—It hit him head on a split second later.
For it was fortunate that no one else was hurt, this was nevertheless an incredibly bad day. He just witnessed an accident, saw liters of blood, and he might also jeopardize his mission. Looking around, he saw Yagami Light who was then watching the bloodied body with a worried and troubled expression that for some reason did not fit him. Ray quickly approached him and prayed he would understand and be cooperative. He needed Yagami to keep quiet about his presence in Japan.
"You don't need to worry. I know you have good reasons for being here." Ray smiled at this. Light was a normal maybe over-achieving boy, and he trusted him. There should be no problem.
So what was the bad feeling that he was having?
A few weeks before his wedding, too.
Yagami Light could not believe his 'date'. He expected that like that FBI agent Penbar, she would also call it a day considering the events that came afterwards. He could really use a rest, too, and he was especially not in the mood to be outside after hearing that blasphemous news about his fellow representative.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" He asked again, hoping badly that she had just bumped her head or something. After all, she did just endure a hijacking and witnessed someone bleed to death.
Unfortunately, that was not the case. "No… I want to go to Space Land. I don't think they'll close down because of this."
Darn it. He should have known Takada was the type to be shaken by these events, but find pride in getting through them regardless. He could almost see her animatedly telling her friends how the events folded. She was the type to be fine with whatever happened with the world, so long as they would be there at a safe enough distance, but close enough to be able to tell the story. She'd probably be a shrewd reporter someday.
"Well, I'm tired. I don't think I can have any fun after witnessing such a freak accident." He said as he stared irritably at the bus stop's stand.
"But don't you think it is more appropriate to have fun, then? It is much easier to forget…"
He was he supposed to say now? Reason did not seem to work on this woman. "That statement is subjective. I'm sorry I asked you out only to cancel on you, bu—"
"Come on please?" She asked demurely but with volume loud enough for everyone to hear. He frowned mentally, he despised not being in control and she was using his established façade to get what she wanted.
But he was not a cold-blooded killer, though. So for now killing her was out of the question.
On one of the city's leading amusement park walked Light and Takeda hand-in-hand. It had been two torturing rides since they had arrived and he could not refuse her in front of all these people. Takeda was a very good-looking woman that everybody, except for him, probably liked. And when she did that pleading stances, she made sure everyone was watching.
Light was seriously considering killing—
"What are you doing?" He asked as he suddenly hugged him in the middle of the street. He heard curious murmurs and some 'what an adorable couple' statements and it annoyed him to no end. But Light, being Light, only appeared flustered– embarrassed and shy, in fact.
"You were so cool that time in the bus." She said as she separated her face from his chest but her hands were still around him.
"Thank you." He said sending her one of the most fake smile he had ever managed to muster. What the hell was she planning?
"So you two are officially going out?" A familiar voice from behind him asked teasingly, and they whipped their head to them. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of Lawliette waving casually at them in greeting. He reflexively went to push Takeda away but she had already separated to greet the two.
Light frowned. Did she see them?
In the end, his sights ended up on the approaching Lawliette. She was still wearing that worn-out scarf of hers but she was also wearing an unusually colourful dress. She looked good… but that wasn't the issue. He stared at Rokko.
Did she dress differently because of him?
He hated the guy already.
"Yagami-kun. What a coincidence." She smiled and they politely shook hands. The other two walked to them and muttered something about how awesome it was to see each other there. But then Rokko placed his hand on Lawliette's shoulder and gestured that they would go.
"Nice seeing you guys, here!" he announced and Lawliette, much to Light's amusement, obviously didn't know why they were separating in the first place.
"Why are we—"
Rokko smiled fondly at her. Light seemed to have forgotten that Rokko was a top student, too. That meant he, unfortunately, was not that stupid.
"You agreed for a date, Lawliette, not a double date. Besides, those two obviously wanted time alone." He stated and Light's eye jerked at so many words he used in that statement. And since when did he start calling her by her first name?
"Thank you for your consideration, Rokko-kun." Takeda said grabbing one of his shoulders. She pulled him towards the opposite direction. "Shall we, Light-kun?"
Lawliette and Light's eyes met for an instant.
They really wished those other two weren't there…
Lawliette wondered what just happened. She had been pleasantly surprised in seeing friends so serendipitously, even when she didn't particularly like the sight of them embracing. She looked at her side, to the man currently holding her shoulder and leading the way.
Rokko had invited her out early that morning and, considering her schedule, she had barely even slept yet. Watari, who had access to every call and message that were for her, was the first to know. He urged her to go, especially when there was no update on the Kira case and it was not like she planned on sleeping that day.
Watari pushed her out and drove her to the meeting place, excited enough that he had uncharacteristically left his phone behind. However, just as they closed the door—ping!—a new message arrived in her laptop. She just missed news on the Kira case: that there were three new inmates that died of heart attacks.
Kira's test subjects finally served their purpose.
Rokko Hiru unconsciously led Lawliette towards a section of the park that was relatively full of children's rides. He muttered an apology, telling her wasn't very familiar with the park when in fact he was too busy thinking of how disappointed she looked when he parted from the two. He knew there was some odd connection between her and Yagami, but still.
No, he did not have a crush on her. He was just peripherally interested. Who wouldn't? She was very unique, rich, and unexpectedly pretty too…
Those nice little expressions of happiness when they went to the park and the subsequent skipping heart beat had nothing to do with it.
Oh hell. Who was he kidding…
He blinked when she pulled the cloth of his sleeves to get his attention. Her eyes looked even more beaming as they entered and she pointed on a ride: Bump cars.
"Are you sure?" He asked. It was an extremely childish ride, but seeing her eyes beam of excitement—
"You don't want to?"
"I'm fine." He smiled reassuringly. Really, how can anyone refuse? "Shall we?" He asked, grinning.
"Okay." She said and they jumped in line.
The board say they have 30 minutes more to wait. Oh well, Rokko did not mind at all.
He cleared his throat after a minute of wordlessly just standing there. "So… you like this ride?"
"I don't know yet."
This made him turn his head to her. "Pardon?"
"I've never ridden it before."
"Why?" he asked, not noticing how shamelessly incredulous he sounded. It was also possible that she wasn't allowed for one reason or another due to some condition or something. He would not be responsible for getting her to trouble.
"I just didn't go out too much." She stated as if she just read his mind. He looked at her apologetically. Again.
"We just didn't find a good reason why I should."
"Ah…" he uttered,not quite sure how to take that yet. How mysterious...
And before they knew it, it was finally their turn to use the contraption.
They got off the ride feeling slightly dizzy, but laughing anyway. In Lawliette's case though, it was a very quiet one but a very beautiful sight indeed. Rokko found himself staring at her. "That was fun, wasn't it?" She asked and he chuckled.
"Yes, it was—" he was cut off by his phone ringing. His eyebrows met when he saw the caller ID. "Moshi Moshi?" he answered coolly and he was absolutely not expecting that blasted nagging yells from the other side of the line.
"Geez. My date and I are alive and well, thank you for worrying. So, what's the problem?" he asked and his eyes widened as his cousin told him the details. He looked at his date who in turn tilted her head in worry.
"No way, Touta-aniki. There would be no reason to do that. We're fine." He sighed and continued uttering some comforting words. Finally, the old man calmed down. "Hai, hai. JA."
"What was that about?" she asked staring at his phone. He had obviously hung up on whoever he was speaking with.
"That was just my cousin. He's a police officer, you see, and apparently there was this bus-jacking that happened less than an hour ago." He sighed. "Apparently it was a bus to here."
Lawliette's eyes widened and she immediately whipped her head towards the two's direction. "Do you think—"
"Either way, they look fine. Besides even if they were on the bus, the incident obviously got them closer together."
Her expression softened and she whispered, "I suppose."
"Ne, Lawliette." He called as he touched her palm gently. He wanted that worried look out of her face. It irked him every time she appeared like that. He just knew what she was thinking about, and he did not like it, yet he did not say so out loud. She only looked at him with that usual passive expression, waiting for him to continue.
He shook away the negative thoughts and gave her a genuine excited grin. "You like sweets, right?" he asked and she nodded. He actually looked forward to this.
"Then I know Space Land's very own bakery would love to have you."
Meanwhile... Light stared blankly at the window of the Ferries Wheel. He took advantage of the momentary silence he had with Takeda since she finally lost topics. She wasn't a nag, of course, and she wasn't hailed the most sophisticated lady in the school for no reason. She was just bloody noisy to his ears and he wanted badly to silence her.
He needed time to think. Why was he bothering himself over such trivial things, anyway? It was not like him. What Lawliette chose to do was none of his business. Further, wasn't he thinking of avoiding her altogether anyway? She was a dangerous to keep around. His façade meant nothing when he was in front of her and that alone meant that he could not control himself fully.
Tsk. If Lawliette hadn't been so interesting to keep around, Light may consider getting rid of her for good as well. He did not like how she was becoming a threat to him, and for reasons he did not fully comprehend—or rather, refused to. (Perhaps it was time to look for a reason to actually get rid of her—something that somehow felt infinitely more difficult than when it came to Rokko and Takada, whom he was already thinking of killing every time they opened their mouths.)
But only because she was entertaining, and it would've been a pity to get rid of her so soon, he told himself. She challenged him in a way no one—perhaps, except L—had.
But then again, this woman he had been with had been challenging his power too. He felt completely different about the two's situation, but he knew taking advantage of Takeda's feelings would let him reap quite a few advantages. He knew Takeda would submit to him if needed, but Lawliette would not.
The fact that she did not look the same way as Takeda bothered him greatly. But it was probably just because that meant he couldn't use her, right?
Well, whatever the plan situation would be, Lawliette probably would only be a problem...
Still, it did not explain why the bloody hell he was thinking of criminal charges against Rokko.
He sighed. He really shouldn't be wasting braincells on something like this.
Rey Penbar stared at the open window showing him a clear view of the glorious night sky. He looked at the moon, the stars, and then the dark matter in between.
He held the love-of-his-life tightly as she slept soundly in his arms. His beautiful fiancée... who couldn't seem to shake off the habits of being the wonderful FBI agent that he strived to be. He looked at her all serene and safe and he believed that his decision to make her quit the agency was a wise one.
He would not be able to sleep knowing that she might be in danger. It hurt her at first, but she eventually submitted.
It smiled at the fact that neither of them knew the other was an FBI agent when they met. They were just normal people, doing normal things… and he wondered if they should have stayed that way.
"I love you." He whispered, not knowing why he was especially cheesy that night. She stirred slightly and cuddled with him more deeply. She smirked lightly.
"Uh-huh…" She said. "I love you too."
Little did he know it would be the last time he'd hear those words.