
CHAPTER 15: Memory

Light had almost ran to the headquarters since the investigation was finally going to get a move on again. Only because another video was sent, of course. He knocked and entered casually, finding a new figure sitting on Lawliette's couch, sitting in an even odder way than she did. When he had gotten close enough to see his face, he could swear his eyes twitched like never before.



"Why are you dressed like that?"

She returned her gaze towards the screen. "The friend who knew about death god acted like this. I figured I'd be able to have better chances in finding him if I act like him."

"You're weird."

"Thank you." She answered in an even lower voice than before, she really sounded like a boy. She took the remote and started watching the tape, with him right by her side.

Misa did precisely what he dictated. Stating that she would try to gain Kira's favour by helping him kill criminals and passing on her powers to deserving others. Light needed to confuse L. In turn, she would become more guarded at the advent that many more could wield the very power they feared. It would establish that they had yet to make contact.

It was a good plan. However…

"This video makes me feel that the two kiras have already met." L proved him to be naïve, surprising everyone of them. She stared at him, and—without fail—he cooled down in a split second.

"I thought you'd think of the same thing, Light." She said and continued on explaining when his father asked her how she got into that conclusion. She explained that the tone and choice of words stated that she was trying to conceal the meeting… as well as attempting something that was not even mentioned before: To get approval.

Light frowned. She was really quick, but he told himself it would have been boring if she wasn't. "I suppose I didn't sense that," he said with an admiring tone of voice he already mastered feigning. "You're really something else—

"Ryuzaki." She cut him off…, again.

Keep it cool, Light, he mused. "Hmn?"

"Please call me Ryuzaki in this form."

"Oh. Okay, Ryuzaki." Light said monotonously. "You're better at this than I am, I suppose."

"Ie. I just don't think Kira had thought this through as much as he did his other actions." She said looking at him intently and his eyes twitched. Did she know? Of course not. "Besides," she added. "I think Kira would still push on killing me."

He shook his head in disapproval. "If I were Kira, I'd believe you would just make someone else take your place."

His father shook his head. "Light stop saying things like 'if I am Kira'."

"Otou-sama. I can only say these things because I'm not Kira. Besides, I know Lawliette wouldn't sacrifice other people."

And with that, L frowned in disapproval. "Please call me Ryuzaki while I am dressed up like this."

And Light, once again, sighed.


On his way home, Light did not wear anything else than a deep frowning face. Not only was he outsmarted, but he could tell the irritation in her voice when he called her by her name. The others thought that she was just in the role of 'that guy' that she didn't want to be calling anything else. This was true, to a degree, but he could see it in her eyes – the look of confusion… and contempt.

What does she know?

Why was he the only one who could see it anyway? Maybe it was just his imagination? Maybe he was just being paran—



And they were on the floor. Light forced himself to stop wanting to punch this—

"I can't wait two weeks so here I am!" She grinned and got off him. Light stood up and begrudgingly looked at her without glaring. Nope. He couldn't do it. She was just such an idiot.

But he willed himself to calm down. Who knew if her damned shinigami could sense his killing intent? And so (and with much grudge) he could only invite her home where it was relatively safe.

When they entered he ignored his sister's stare. Sayu had been bugging him why he didn't choose Lawliette. 'Misa is cute and seemed nice but that wasn't the point', she said when Misa left the house a few days back and puffed her cheeks.

Misa was the first to come up and Sayu stole him for a second to speak with him. She had that Yagami determined look and muttered. "Don't tell me you're cheating on Lawliette!"

He scoffed hiding whatever attacked him when she said that. "We're not even together, Sayu. Now if you'll excuse me." Sayu gritted her teeth but before she could retort, their mother held her shoulder. "Just leave them alone, Sayu." And subsequently made her puff her cheeks again.



Light stared at her and the shinigami.

It had been a few minutes since they entered and there was one thought floating around inside his large head.

L will die this easily?

It was, really, the first and only thing that passed by his head when Rem agreed on killing L for him. It was the best move since Rem would not die, Misa would think they'll be happy together, she would be dead, and he would be free of her.

It really annoyed him that he couldn't do what he wanted first. But he really did need to have her dead as soon as possible – his fun would come later. Surely, he could get over her death when he had built up his New World?

He told Misa to ask her death god about killing L – and they would be happy. Rem really had been attached to Misa to agree. They couldn't act too rashly though. Even if L died in an accident, he may still be a suspect. Lawliette had, after all, the most unpredictable brain he had ever encountered.

He took Misa's number, but she whined (again) when he told her he couldn't give his. After explaining another tedious fact, she understood and gave her one of her phones. Then, much to his chagrin, she started mumbling about her love calls, dates, and other troublesome things and he needed to shut her up.

So he kissed her.

He frowned at himself. He did not like this at all. He wondered what will Lawliette thin—

This is none of her business, he told himself and parted from the now-dazed Misa. He saw her out, but thankfully she was smart enough to at least know he couldn't walk her to the bus stop.

And for the following hours, he had written criminal's names again, and he thought he'd have peace and quiet—and some time to perhaps detoxify the annoying feeling he felt when he kissed Misa.

But eventually the quiet began to bother him and, turning his head, he realized that was being uncharacteristically unmoving and quiet. He was just standing, unblinking, like a dark statue in the middle of his room.

"Ryuk. What's wrong with you? You're creeping me out." Light stated bluntly and Ryuk's blank gaze on the wall shifted to him.

There was an atypical delay before the death god uttered anything. "Eh. Light is worried about me?"

"Not really. Like I said, you were creeping me out."

"Nah. Ignore me."


But then as the night went on peacefully, perturbation soon came. Soon, another shadow of a shinigami entered his room. "Yagami Light," it said, and he frowned. It was Rem.

"Rem?" He uttered, not bothering to mask his annoyance. "What are you doing here?" And don't tell me Misa is here, too.

But fortunately, or unfortunately, she wasn't. For Misa was in a much bigger trouble than that.

"Misa had been captured," she droned. "And tortured."

He felt his body freeze, and immediately possible scenarios passed through his head. How much would that girl say? How quickly would they get to him? Was there a way out of this? I should have killed her when I had the chance—

"But Misa had already given up the ownership of the death note."

His thoughts halted and he whipped his head to stare at the pale death god, disbelieving, and eyes betraying the relief and hope that he was feeling.

He was not given time to breathe, however, because Rem threatened him a second later. "And If you don't save her, Yagami Light—" She ominously uttered. "I will kill you."


NISPEDANA, a few hours prior

Lawliette stared at the unconscious blonde on her screen, not knowing what to think. When she saw the physical evidence from the tapes, and Mogi's report on Misa's meeting with Light – there was no doubt that she's the second Kira.

This was it. They finally had a way to prove Kira's existence, and to rid of him. But still—

Lawliette wanted to cry.

She had taken a liking on this girl and she knew she was not evil. But she had to restrain her the way she did because they didn't know how she killed. It was inhuman, and she had to really let herself think of what BB would do if he were to be on her position.

No wonder he ran away.

She asked Watari to halt the tortures for a while. She wanted to watch her and the Shinigami's interactions hoping that the shinigami would tell her enough. But she was just standing there watching Misa worriedly. She cared for Misa, deeply, she could tell.

She was surprised. When she confirmed their existence he wanted to get rid of them. But this shinigami loved Misa—L doubted she was the one who got Misa to kill.

Why would Misa do such things anyway?

The others were just standing there, still getting used at the pitiful and shocking appearance of the celebrity tied up like a maniac. She shook the similar thoughts in her head as well. She couldn't risk to endanger Watari even more.

But Misa was not talking. She needed her and her shinigami to talk. But she didn't want her hurt, either…

But she told herself she was no longer an idealist—she could no longer afford to. She swallowed whatever feeling of distress she was feeling and opened her mic to Watari's headphone.

"Watari. Do it. But please use the least painful."

"But—Isn't it better to just give it our all from the start?" Watari uttered to be cut off.

Watari was not a sadist – he was the opposite. But during his years with BB, he knew that consecutive 'gentle' tortures were even more painful than a one-blow hard one. Lawliette should know that. What was she planning to do?

"Ie." She said seriously and looked at the death god. "Please, Watari."

"As you wish."

And she was right. A part of her wished she hadn't. It was like multiple grenades thrown at her simultaneously that she felt like she was going to scream. But she didn't. It was not because it was not like her, but simply because her energy had been sucked out as if she was a flower and the truth was a bee.

"Kill me. Please kill me." Misa yelled after a few painful sessions of torture – to all of them. Everyone else thought she was yelling to her, but Ryuzaki knew better.

"Misa…" the shinigami uttered worriedly. "If you die, I will kill Yagami Light."


"No! No! Please no!" She cried, and this baffled everyone. Lawliette felt a thump of pity every time a drop of tear came out of her eyes. What was Light's role in this?



Oh. Who was she kidding? Light was Kira. And there was no doubt about it.

"You are really willing to die for him, Misa?"

And Misa, the second Kira, was deeply in love with him. It was painful, in so many different ways.

"Light is just using you."

"I don't care! Just kill me please."

Lawliette really wanted to cry. She was not surprised and with the Light now she had to admit she could see him manipulating such a poor girl. But what about the Light she befriended all those months ago?

Would he truly do this to Misa?

Of course not, he wouldn't do that. That she was sure of. Light was not an evil man, and neither was Misa. They may just need someone to show them the light again…

But still… so many emotions flew past her that it was so excruciating. Light was Kira. He might no longer be the Light that she once knew—and perhaps he would never go back. All the things that he did to everyone… they could not be taken back and she was confused.

She believed in the Light she had met. If she proved that it was not their faults, should the two Kiras be forgiven? She definitely would but what about the families of the victims? Would it be fair?

She wanted to bring them to justice…


What was her justice?

"Lawliette-san." Matsuda called making her flinch. She was in such a daze that she did not notice him stand in front of her couch. "Why do you do this to yourself?"

"Because it's necessary. You should know this, Matsuda."

"Matsuda…" The chief called him gesturing for him to get back to his original position. But to everyone's surprise, he ignored the chief, and remained in front of her.

"I didn't mean that – I meant taking everything in yourself. We're here with you, you know."

She smiled making him blush all over again. "Ah… thank yo—"

Lawliette abruptly turned her head towards the television screen. She watched Misa nod at a statement she vaguely heard as 'give up the ownership of the notebook'.


The one she had touched?

"I will get Yagami Light.."


"He will come save you. I promise."

And with that, L slumped back while everyone else was puzzled by whatever was happening. Light would come.

And she didn't know if she had the strength to deal with him.


A few hours later, the phone rang. It was Mogi, stating that Light was going in, and the chief's eyes widened immediately. "Buchou. I warned you to be ready for this. I can say to you now that you will not like what will happen."


Light entered the room, stating that he 'might' be Kira. For a moment she felt puzzled. He was acting as if he was unconscious and she unceremoniously revealed to him that they had installed cameras when he stated that he may be killing criminals when he slept.

She pretended not to know a thing, she couldn't act so quickly. If she made a misstep then everyone in the room might die. She agreed with what he was obviously expecting – a long term capture agreement.

She was going to observe him, for now.

…as well as herself and her 'justice'.

The chief demanded that he be imprisoned as well, stating that as a father he might do things that would only do the investigation bad. They tried to convince him, but it was no use. He will only come out of there if and only if he came out with his innocent son.

An admirable action, and a heartbreaking one at the same time.

Misa soon woke up and started muttering about her being a stalker. Matsuda lost his temper, and she had to calm him down. Matsuda did not know what happened, but she did. Misa just lost all memories of that unfortunate event that had happened to her and she intended to keep it that way.

That was Misa…

But what about Light?

Days passed and the days became weeks. And soon after she asked Light how he felt. He looked so pitiful at the moment that a part of her couldn't believe he put this on himself. He was desperate, and this told her she was closing in on him. For some time the criminals stopped dying, making everyone believe that he really was Kira.

Eventually she told him the news and asked him how he was feeling. Light glared at the camera determinedly. He wanted to show them that he will do whatever it takes 'to know the truth' as he would say.

"…such meaningless pride, I will discard it." He said and Lawliette felt an odd clicking at that instant. She saw it in Light, too, he looked around with eyes… confused yet… refreshed?

That was it. He forgot anything as well. But that couldn't do anything for them, not now. Not when the criminals had stopped dying…

For a moment she thought Light had given up without further plans. If so, he might have a higher chance of survival. But was that the Light she knew? He was ambitious… and obtaining the power to kill made him more so.

And then it came. The killing of 2 weeks worth of criminals. She was not happy of the deaths, and she was certainly unhappy that the power got passed to another person. She ordered everyone to keep their mouths shut, neither of the two were to know of those facts. It was fairly as expected—events so far were obviously according to Light's plan.

But facts were facts, they killed hundreds of people… and despite all the attempt to convince her, she could not succumb to any of them: She knew she could not let Light and Misa go until she was absolutely certain what was the right thing to do.

Criminals continued to die, and the chief refused to go out of the cell.

More weeks passed by and there was yet to be an answer to her dilemma. She simply did not know enough about Light's death god to make a verdict that wouldn't kill her. She felt it was selfish, but she was too bewildered to make a sound conclusion.

"We're here with you."

No. They couldn't know what she did, not yet. The less people who knew about these seemingly invincible creatures, the better the chances that this would all be forgotten with minimal additional damage to all of them.

Wait… Forgotten?

Would she be fine with that? Letting them go? No, she wouldn't. She'll have to ensure she watched their every move… making sure they didn't regain their powers and their memories. Light…, if he was as ambitious as she feared… he must have formulated something to bring him back his memories.


She watched him now with brightness she had never seen before. The Light she met was back… and more enthusiastic than ever. She noted just how much of the darkness the notebook brought to him… She shook her head.

But for now, she needed to do what she had to.

"Buchou. Please come back to the headquarters." The Chief's eyes widened in positivity. "I want you, Light's father, to be the first one to know of our verdict.

"And please prepare yourself."

She tried to silence her heartbeats as she watched Misa and Light look terrified of what the chief was saying. Taking them to the execution chambers, but soon going out of the way and stating that he would kill Light with his own hands and then kill himself. It was a mania, to say the least, and it was a very convincing performance in the chief's side.

She had to do it; she needed to erase the doubts on everyone else's mind. And she did.

Now…, all she had to do was figure out what she should do.


Everyone stood in a room as they waited for Light, Misa, and the Chief to get back. They were all composing themselves and tried hard to push away the feelings of guilt (from watching them suffer) and suspicions (as they were still, as L explained, in some ways connected to 'Kira').

Everyone welcomed the couple to the room, and Misa's eyes widened yelled immediately at the sight of her. "Lawliette!" And ran for a hug. "I missed you!"

And everyone else was flabbergasted.




She only stared at them and reluctantly hugged Misa back. Light was the first one to formulate a coherent sentence. "You two knew each other?"

"Hai." Lawliette answered stoically. "We met under odd circumstances…" She paused. "…before she was a suspect."

"…oh." Matsuda and the others could only look at L sympathetically.

No wonder she looked especially depressed. Her two friends were suspected as Kira and she couldn't do anything to save them. They watched the two girls chat in idle and Misa as she rubbed her face against their leader's in glee.

"Misa… you have to realize I was the one who chained you." Lawliette stated monotonously making Misa part her face from hers but was still basically embracing her. She was obviously aghast though. "Y-You are stalker-san?!"

"You can say that." Lawliette shrugged. "We had to…, to capture Kira."

"I see… I guess I'm a little relieved it was you." Misa said quietly, hugging her anyway. Everyone, even Watari, were starting to feel very weird at the closeness of the two.

Misa finally parted and beamed to grab Light's hand. "Light~" She smiled. "Meet a good friend of mine. Lawliette."

He stared at her and she nodded in assent. "I know." He said reluctantly. "I've been investigating with her."

"You were?" Misa asked and stared at them alternatively. It was then her womanly sense started tingling but put it off for a while. Lawliette nodded and walked closer to her and stared at her seriously.

"Misa. There had been physical evidence of your connection with the second Kira so we'll have to keep you under surveillance." She said. "I bought another floor to accommodate everyone, and rest assured—Watari installed necessary security measures."

She looked at Light and Misa. "You could live in this hotel—no, it would be better if you do." The chief already told his family about their absence without telling Light's excuse, of course. She had already taken care of Light's position in the university. They said they'll just give him some extra credit work when he returned, and send both of them some work as he stayed.

Lawliette mentally sighed at the fact that Misa kept calling Light as her boyfriend. Light was just 'playing' with her after all… before he lost his memories. But then… she wondered if he felt the same now. Or would he genuinely fall for Misa, as she did to him?

She mentally shook her head at the sudden jolt inside her chest.

"I told you you're not my girlfriend, Misa-san." Light said, denying the claim and stole a glance at her. She stared back…, and a new line of thoughts occupied her head.

She unconsciously recalled all of his advances. Were they part of his plan? Did he truly felt that way for her? Either way, she couldn't return his feelings… but the fact that he could also be toying with her hurt a lot more than proper. But Misa's exclamations managed to pull her back to reality before she showed any more signs of weaknesses.

"We are though! You even kissed me!" Maybe not.

In any case, everyone flinched at the statement and Lawliette felt her throat dry but (somehow) made sure nobody saw. Light could only sweat-dropped, with hints of panic, and they were surprised he was out of words.

"Well, that, I—"

"I don't see why you're denying it Light-kun." Lawliette said as stoically as she could, showing as much objectivity as she could muster. "Anyway, we'll be needing you in the investigation 24/7 so you'll see each other often."


And after that, with Matsuda's attempts of merriment, the atmosphere became much lighter. All was well, all the way until the chief said it was time to rest, especially since they thought suspicions about Light had already been discarded.

That was until she handcuffed him with her.


"Gah!" Misa was the first one to react. "Lawliette! Light is my boyfriend!"

"I know, I know. But I can't take my eyes off him." She said as a-matter-of-factly, meaning she was still investigating him. She didn't realize for a second why Misa started panicking.

"Kya! Why did you blush Light! You can't blush!" Misa yelled and L shook her head.

"Calm down, Misa. I still suspect that the two of you were Kiras. You were just… being manipulated and hence must be under surveillance."

"Me, too?"

"Hai." She nodded and Light slumped, while Misa continued her interrogation.

"B-But how will you sleep or take a bath?"

"I don't think that will be a problem. Light-kun isn't quite into those type of things. Well except for those magazines…"


"What magazines?" Misa asked, eyebrows furrowed in worry. L shook her head in disapproval.

"I know what it means now… tsk tsk. I expected more from you."


"In any case, I think you should call Takada and Rokko. I did my part, telling them I'll be in England longer than expected. I bet they're worried for your long absence, though." She smiled and Light looked down in comprehension. He nodded and Misa looked at them alternatively. Matsuda was blinking as hell.

"Takada and Rokko?"

"Our friends in the university."

"Oh I'd love to meet them!" Misa yelled, while Matsuda only stared. He finally knew how Lawliette knew about his sister, and he felt a tad closer to her because of that. And… seemed like he now knew the reason Rokko was not as hyper as always.

Lawliette nodded at Misa. "When the case is over….

"I hope."

Later that night, it was revealed that they would sleep on separate but adjacent couches. Light wasn't disappointed, he was relieved, for the most part. He knew he was in love with Lawliette for quite some time now, but what confused him was his reluctance to move further—that there was some force telling stopping him from moving forward.

And the way she looked at him. She was smiling when she saw him and Misa together. Did she not mind? She told – well, implied –to him before that she felt the same way. What about now? Did she still doubt him so much that she had already convinced herself that she absolutely could not look at him that way?

He sat up by reflex accidentally pulling the chain, and waking her up. She turned her head and stared at him.


"Is there anything bothering you?"

"I know I'm not Kira. And I cannot blame you for thinking I'm him. But I don't want you to dismiss your feelings because of that."

"Where did that come from…"

"You know how I feel about you Lawliette." He said seriously. "And I—"

"Misa is a good girl." She cut him off not wanting this conversation to continue further. She was not good at dealing with these things or these feelings. "Please have an open mind with her, she loves you so—enough to sacrifice her life for you."

"How do you know that?"

"I'm a woman. I just do." She looked away and gestured to lie back down. "I know we'll be great friends."

"…we already are." Light managed to huff, unconsciously closing in, making her pause her movements. "But you should keep an open mind as well." He looked at her. "Did I really wake you up?"

"No." She mumbled without moving. "I'm too used to sleeping in a Seiza now."

"I see…" he said and she only nodded, before finally deciding to lie down, before deciding against it. She decided to sleep in Seiza instead.

"Good night, Light." And she slowly closed her eyes. But she found them abruptly opening when she felt a weight on her lap, making her flinch. "You're making me uncomfortable with your advances, Light."

"What? You'd rather have me kissing you to obli—" He blushed and tilted his head away. "That slipped up. I'll shut up now."

"Compared to that, I like this change." And he stared at her and she looked away again, forcing that stoic look on her face. "But, like I said, I suggest you choose Misa."

"No." He said and closed his eyes. "I don't quite know how I got so aggressive back then," He paused. "But I did not regret them." And he smiled, when he felt her breathing hitch slightly. "Good night."

She could only sigh. "…good night."


It had a potential to be a calm and quiet night… it really did. However, behind the shadows hid a figure no longer having the strength to even wipe her incessant tears off her smooth skin. She just planned on sneaking in a little, to join the two or something while they were in the living room. She regretted it deeply.

She looked at the two people chained together with a mix of emotions. A lot of confusion and question came to mind. And yet she knew one thing:

Misa-MIsa didn't stand a chance.