Upgrades and Accomplishments

As Alex saw the list of buildings and upgrades available, he started to idealize his course of action for the gameplay of the day, first he calculated the necessary resources to do all of it.

[List of Buildings Available

Farms (Max Level: 2, Quantity: 5/6)

[Farm Level 1: 30 wood 2 stone Farm level 2: 100 wood 50 stone 40 copper]

Market (Max Level: 1/2, Quantity: 1)

[Market Level 2: Wood 350 Stone 250 Copper 200]]

"Ok, so I will need to build a new farm and upgrade it, but the market I just need to do the upgrade for this I will need 480 Wood, 352 stone and 240 Copper." Calculated Alex as he analized the situation.

"Let's see how much resources I have available first."

[Resources: Wood: [95] Stone: [468] Food: [560] Money: [144999465] (144 Platinum, 99 Gold, 98 Silver, 45 Copper)]

"Alright so I have 95 Wood, 468 Stone and Copper I won't even count. For the wood I will need to buy 385 units, for stone and copper I already have the necessary amount."

After making his inventory Alex saw that he needed to buy wood, so he walked to the market. Upon arriving there he browsed through the shopping interface searching for the best offers of wood settling for 4W to 1C he bought 100 coppers worth of wood.

Once he had all the materials, Alex walked to the village square and called all his villagers for a meeting, divided his villagers into groups and gave them their tasks. There were 24 villagers, and he split them into two groups of twelve. One group would work on the farms and the other on the market.

The villagers moved with a sense of purpose, dividing themselves into groups to handle specific tasks. The sound of hammers and saws echoed through the village as the construction work progressed.

Alex watched with fascination as the villagers worked tirelessly, impressed by their dedication and commitment to the village. He knew that without their hard work, he would never have been able to achieve the level of success he had in the game.

As the farm was completed, the villagers wasted no time in upgrading the farm to level 2, using the resources they had separated to complete the project quickly. Alex watched as they worked, marveling at their skill and expertise. They moved with a sense of purpose, each one knowing exactly what needed to be done and working together seamlessly to get the job done.

As the farm upgrade was completed, Alex felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. He knew that the village was now better equipped to handle any challenges that lay ahead, and he was grateful to the villagers for their hard work and dedication.

"Great job, everyone!" he said, addressing the group of villagers who had worked on the project. "I couldn't have done it without you."

The villagers beamed with pride at the praise, happy to have contributed to the success of the village. Alex knew that they were an essential part of his journey in World of Chronicles, and he was glad to have them by his side.

It took a few hours, but eventually, the upgraded farm was complete, and Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he looked at it. The new structure was larger and more efficient, producing more food for the village than in level 1.

Next on the list was the market. Alex instructed the group of villagers assigned to it to start work on the upgrade to level 2. They set to work immediately, gathering the necessary resources and constructing the new building.

As they worked, Alex sat back and watched, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the progress his village was making. He knew that there was still a lot of work to be done, but he was confident that his villagers could handle it.

Finally, after several more hours of work, the upgraded market was complete. Alex couldn't help but smile as he looked at it, proud of the progress his village had made.

As all the available upgrades were done the all familiar upgrade prompt appeared once again.

[All upgrades done the Village will upgrade to level 7 soon 22:00:00]

Seeing this Alex once again said goodbye to his villagers and logged out.

As he logged out of World of Chronicles, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction with his progress. He had come a long way from the humble beginnings of his village and was excited to see what the future held.

After logging out, Alex took a quick shower to make himself clean. Alex opened up YouTube on his laptop and browsed through the various video categories available on the platform. He clicked on the trending videos section and was immediately greeted with a wide range of content to choose from.

He scrolled through the list, stopping at a video of a baby giggling uncontrollably at the sight of his father making silly faces. The sound of the baby's laughter filled the room, bringing a smile to Alex's face. He clicked on the video and watched as the baby continued to laugh, the happiness infectious and uplifting.

After the baby video ended, Alex scrolled through more videos, finding some interesting news stories. He watched some travel vlogs from popular YouTubers, admiring the beautiful landscapes and cultures they explored. The videos made him feel like he was traveling the world alongside them, experiencing all the sights and sounds.

Finally, he stumbled upon a video of a street performer playing a beautiful rendition of his favorite song on the guitar. The music filled the room, transporting him to another world. The performer's passion and talent were evident, and Alex found himself moved by the music.

As the video ended, Alex felt relaxed and content. He closed his laptop and headed to the kitchen to grab a snack, feeling grateful for the access to such a diverse range of content on YouTube.

Finally, feeling tired from the day's activities, Alex brushed his teeth and crawled into bed. He closed his eyes and let out a contented sigh, knowing that he had accomplished a lot and was one step closer to achieving his goals.

---------------------------------Updated village panel-------------------------------

[Village Name: Emerald Haven]

[ Village Level: 6 Village Statistics: Total Population: [24]

[Village Spawn rate: 6/day]

Available Housing: [24/50]

Food Production: [50/day]

Food Consumption: [24/50]

Wood Production: [30/day]

Stone Production: [30/day]

Village Income: [50P/day]

Reputation Points: [4000/10000]

Village Buildings and Upgrades:

Village Head House: Level [2]

Housing Level: 2, Quantity: [6]

Farms Level: 2, Quantity: [6]

Lumber Mill Level: 2, Quantity: [2]

Quarry Level 2: Quantity: [2]

Market Level 2: Quantity: [1]

Top tier Platinum Mine Level: 1, Quantity: [1]

Resources: Wood: [0] Stone: [116] Food: [560] Money: [144999225] (144 Platinum, 99 Gold, 92 Silver, 25 Copper)]