Yesterday Today And Tomorrow...

"Veere o Veere, wait, I am also coming, see mother has made carrot pudding, oh go slowly, it is time to start school, we will sit together and eat, listen bro , help today for maths exam, just a little help " says 15-year-old Harpreet to his friend Inderjit.

His friend Indrajeet replies "Okay I will help you, just remember I will eat whole carrot pudding".

"Yes.. go eat, but do help", Harpreet tells his friend.

After school, both of them go straight to their house, there was a lot of crowd at the village square, Indrajit's house was there, both of them break through the running crowd and reach inside through the main door of the house, there were four dead bodies kept in front which were wrapped with a white sheet, one of them was of Harpreet's father and the other three bodies were of Indrajit's father and two elder brothers.

There was an atmosphere of mourning in the house, on one hand the women of the house and the neighborhood were sitting and crying, on the other hand, a bunch of men were sitting with their heads bowed, Indrajit and Harpreet were crying and clinging to the dead bodies, some women came close to them and kept them silent.

Indrajit cuddled up to his mother and said "What happened mother, how and who did this", his eyes filled with vengeful anger that flowed as tears.

"Your father has been martyred while serving the true king, son, it is a matter of pride, he and your brothers have valiantly sacrificed their lives while fighting Shah Jahan's army, you too have to be like him and avenge his death, you have to take revenge ", says Indrajit's mother placing a stone on her heart.

"I swear mother, Shah Jahan will have to pay for this, I will give the Mughal's sleepless night and a day," Indrajit, 15, promises his mother.

As time passes, Indrajit and Harpreet grow up, forming a small group of young men from their village and surrounding villages, whose job was to plunder the royal treasury and foreign merchants.

Both of them had also carried out impossible robbery by staying in oblivion.

No one knew his real name and whereabouts except a few close friends of his.

Time does not take long to pass and the stories of loot by his party spread all over India and also reaches the ears of the Mughal Sultanate and the British rule.

In the same way, Indrajit and his team get the news of Taj Mahal and Black Taj.

Indrajit was sitting with his party ready to settle old accounts with Shah Jahan and waited for the right time, which was the anniversary of the emperor.

The Mughal soldiers with their companions arrived on the occasion of the anniversary and saw themselves Aurangzeb's special soldiers taking out a large part of the treasure from the secret gate behind the fort, they followed and saw the hiding place of that treasure.

One night with full preparation robbed the treasure and went towards the forest.

A few days later, some soldiers of the British East India Company surrounded and attacked, their escape was impossible, but Harpreet planned and stopped with only a few companions and faced the English soldiers with courage in which he was martyred, but he saved the lives of Indrajit and other companions.

A few days later, Indrajit is confronted by Commander Brad Shaw Rowdy and his entourage, killing the commander and burying him in the snow in front of the Treasure Cave and descending the mountains, where he once again encounters soldiers from the Mughal sultanate.

He is imprisoned, where he is severely tortured, his two fingers on his right hand are cut off, the turban of the chief who tied the turban is stripped, his hair and beard are stripped from him.

The address and name of the treasure are asked again and again, but no one is able to open the mouth of Indrajit, who is filled with hatred for Shah Jahan in his heart.

In the end, Indrajit, who lived like a lion, dies in the prison himself.

"Master... oh... Little Master, your eyes are opening, push harder", Tanveer opens his eyes after hearing a strange voice and finds himself in the farm house, tries to get up but the pain starts gets louder in his head , on holding the head with hands, it is known that the bandage is tied.

He starts remembering everything, that rainy night, the commander's talk, the sudden accident that happened that night.

Tanveer understands everything after listening to that servant's words.

Even after the accident, he remembers the story of his previous life, now he was convinced of the words of the commander, he had come to know that Indrajit was the robber who had looted the treasure of Shah Jahan and took the commander's neck.

Now he had complete faith in that three hundred year old history.

But one thing was eating him that whether the commander was involved in the accident that happened to him, if it was, it meant that the commander had lied to him that he would not harm him.

Keeping all these things in mind, Tannu came to the conclusion that the commander cannot be believed that he will not take his life, if he was the one who was involved in this accident, then the commander would be murderous as well as not even worth it to believe.

All these things were warning Tanveer for the coming tomorrow.

Tanveer understands the whole story after listening to the servant, he first gets up from the bed to see his belongings and his companions.

He was worried about diamonds as well as Arun was also worried about him.

Arun was resting in a room in the farm house and the unknown girl was in the downstairs room, the least hurt in that accident.

Finding Arun sleeping, Tanveer searches his belongings kept in his room, the elephant statue was safe and the diamonds were also safe inside it.

He keeps them like that, takes his belongings to his room and locks the room, then comes down the stairs and sits on the sofa of the hall, after a while the servant working in the farm house passes by,


Tanveer asks him "what happened to the car"?

The servant looks at Tanveer and replies "By tomorrow the mechanic will get the car built".

Tanveer is satisfied with the servant's answer, he is relieved to know that tomorrow he can leave the farm house.

Anyway, he did not particularly like the experience of this farm house.

It was evening, a few hours later, it was time for the commander to wake up, Tanveer was thinking that he did not know which class the commander would take today, soon that unknown girl also came out of her room to rest in the hall.

Seeing Tannu sitting on the sofa, she moved towards him, as soon as she reached near him, she said, "How are you now, your head was hurt a lot", the girl tried to read Tanveer's face.

Tanveer said "I am fine, I have got some stitches on my head, otherwise I didn't got hurt anywhere else".

"oh! Lord thank you, are there preparations to leave from here tomorrow, the servants here were telling that the car will be fine by tomorrow, it will be very kind if you leave me too, it took two days for both of you to come to your senses ", said the girl requesting Tanveer.

Tanveer said, "Come on, as soon as the car arrives tomorrow morning, we will leave, we will drop you on the way to the village itself, I know your family members must be getting upset, it's only a matter of night, don't you worry, think of it as your own home, whatever you need, feel free to get it from the servants", Tanveer comforts the girl.

After sometime Arun also comes down towards the hall, he had a slight injury in his hand and leg, everything else was safe.

Tannu told the whole situation to Arun and also asked about his health.

Arun is happy to know that tomorrow he will leave the farm house, although he liked the farm house, but Tanveer's stupidity made the commander angry.

It was evening and as time passed the fear of the commander was knocking on the faces of the three of them.

The commander who had done the same condition of all three two days ago that they had to remember them for the rest of their lives.

All three were sitting and trying to remember the accident that happened that night.

Then the servant brought and kept tea, Tannu asked him "You have seen some strange incident happening at this farm house, you have been working here for many years, haven't you", Tanveer looked at him and asked while sipping tea.

The servant, looking at him, replied, "I haven't seen anything like that, the caretaker who used to live a few years ago had probably seen some evil spirit in this house.

There was loss of some member of the house, after a few months the whole family left the farm house, no one was aware of his departure, just after coming to work in the morning, he was found locked, so every day only the gardener used to come and go after cleaning the garden, we had started working on our own fields, as soon as we got the news of your arrival, we reached here to work.

"That's okay, now you go do your work", Tanveer said to the servant and he went to the kitchen to support the rest of the servants.

The three again sat down and started talking to each other.

As soon as it was time to eat, Arun made a plan to wake up with Tanveer at night.

He had a strong desire to meet the commander at night.

It did not take long to pass the night, and the clock struck twelve o'clock.

Tanveer had already put the box on the table, Arun was sitting on the chair, a bright red light flashes as soon as the box is opened, the commander smiles at Arun and Tanveer as he comes out of the box and says "Good evening my children's , how are you today, everything must have been remembered, why Indrajeet I mean Nawab Tanveer and how are you Harpreet, did you remember anything or not, you both were dreaming of the past life continuously for two days, ha ha ha", Tanveer and Arun were blown away after hearing the words of the commander.

They were looking at each other like strangers. Till now both of them had not mentioned about this to each other.


© ivanmaximusedwin